3 dogs have 12 legs, 2 cats have 8 legs, 1 monkey has 2 legs.......for a grand total of 22 legs
4 cause the dogs ate everyone.
You can have 2 pets, 1 Bengal kitten and 1 boxer puppy. Many homes have both dogs and cats. They can learn to get along and live together. Getting them while they are young will make the adjustment easier.
There are 9/1 of them.
a tear in a dogs stomach
You could have:4 dogs: 2 alive and 2 dead3 dogs: 1 alive and 2 dead as 1 alive dog ran away3 dogs: 2 alive and 1 dead as 1 dead dog has been removed2 dogs: 2 dead dogs as the alive dogs ran away2 dogs: 2 alive dogs as the dead dogs have been taken away.1 dog: 1 alive dog as 2 dead dogs have been removed and 1 alive dog ran away1 dog: 1 dead dog as 2 alive dogs ran away and 1 dead dog has been removedno dogs: the dead dogs have been removed and the 2 alive dogs were taken away by the authorities for the sake of the welfare of the two alive dogs as the death of the 2 dogs was caused by your animal cruelty.........................................................................................................................................................................You still have 4 dogs 2 are dead 2 are alive
No, but i takes a long time to digest.
2 out of 12 dogs were dalmatians. This can be simplified to 1/6 of the dogs were dalmatians.
No. Tums is safer. but if your dogs have stomach problems please ring them to the vet.
pH of stomach juice is between 1 and 2.
No! It will be bad for the dogs stomach! Do NOT feed lettuce!
Dogs may lay flat on their stomach as a sign of submission, relaxation, or to cool off on a hot surface.
Combined you have 3 pets: 1 cat, 2 dogs.
Well acordding to my coulculations NO! Why could popcorn give dogs stomach distress? Does it give you stomach distress, I don't think so. THINK MAN, THINK! What does stomach distress even mean???
2 Stupid Dogs - 1993 Jerk 2-1 was released on: USA: 5 September 1994