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Chickens can only lay one egg every 24 hours, and they can lay in winter if there is light from 14-16 hours a day (that's when they lay best) but I'm not an expert and I think there is more to it than that.

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Q: Do hens lay more than one egg a day and do they lay in the winter?
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Are hens making more than one egg inside their bodies at a time?

Some hens lay 2 eggs a day. I would imagine that it takes more than 24 hours for an egg to develop to laying size.

Why the difference between day and night more felt during winters than summers?

You can feel the difference more in winter than summer because winter has less sun light than summer

Are there more hours of night than day during the winter?

In the northern hemisphere, yes.

How many eggs do chickens produce every day?

well im thinking about 30 hens i may be wrong but this is what i think =]

What products are supplied by hens?

Hens are chickens and they produce eggs. A hen can produce one egg every 23 to 25 hours. Sometimes, a hen will lay more than one egg per day. This can often confuse the hen raiser.

What describes the word day?

The day is the period of time when its light. This changes throughout the year, meaning it is light more in the summer than in the winter.

How many hens and roosters does one need for a continuous production of 50 fertilized eggs per day?

Brown egg layers average 2 eggs every three days. White leghorns can produce an egg a day. If you have 75 hens for 50 eggs a day, then I would suggest three roosters to handle the fertilization job. And, be aware that you will have months where you get more than 50 eggs a day; production depends on hours of light per day and age of hen. Young layer hens will lay every day in the spring.

Does summer or winter have more day light houres?

Summer typically has more daylight hours than winter due to the Earth's tilt and position in its orbit. During the summer solstice, the Northern Hemisphere receives the most daylight hours, while during the winter solstice, the Northern Hemisphere receives the fewest daylight hours.

What does it mean a brood of hens?

When a hen goes broody she is ready and willing to sit on a clutch of eggs. She will lay some of her own and in many cases she will roll eggs from other hens under herself. She will stop all other activities for 21 day at this point and will refuse to leave the nest for more than a few minutes each day to eat,drink and defaecate.

Where is it dark for more than twenty hours a day in the middle of winter?

North pole, It's tipping away from the sun and is actually dark 24 hours a day.

How many hens to get 1000 eggs a day?

One hen lays one egg a day, so if you want 1,000 eggs in one day you would need 1,000 hens.

What is the length of shadows during the day in summer and winter?

Shadows lengths are less in summer than winter.