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Q: Do ice heads get a rush like crack heads when they smoke their dope?
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What does crack smoke smell like?

The specific smell of crack cocaine smells very similar to the smell of poison ivy, and is much unlike marijuana smoke hard to get the smell out of clothes.

How did Tupac feel when his mother started smoking crack?

he didnt really like it but he still loved her as much as he would if she didnt smoke crack

Why do you use grammar rules?

because if we didnt use it we would all be talking like crack heads

What does joey jordison like to do for fun?

smoke crack and have sexual intercourse with underage girls. it's true!

How do you get into Smoke's crack palace at the start of the game?

If you have finished Grand theft auto: San Andreas before, then go to where Big Smoke's Crack Palace is located. Then get a car and smash into it like you did in the final mission, the wall should break. NOW YOU CAN FREELY ROAM AROUND IN BIG SMOKE'S CRACK PALACE. Just something I found while driving i remembered where it was.

How long does cocaine stay in your pores?

A lot of hard drugs can seep through your pores due to the way it is metabolized in your body. Its been known to cause irritation to the skin and sometimes causes acne or rashes, like sweating out alcohol, etc.

Is sniffing crack like sniffing cocaine?

You can't snort crack. I mean, I suppose you could try. But that's not how people do it. Regular cocaine can be snorted OR smoked, but crack cocaine is only smoked. It was actually invented to be an easier-to-smoke form of cocaine.

Do mindless behavior smoke crack?

NOOOOOOO! Of course they don't. Why would they jepordize they're teenage years like that??? Bottom line: They do not.

How do know when you have a crack head on your 1987 grand marquis?

Telltale sign is WHITE smoke coming from the exhaust that smells like Antifreeze.

Can crack get in your system if you are beside somebody smoking it?

well yes and no. yes because its like second hand smoke and no it will not affect you like it would if you were actually smoking it

Can a person get so high from smoking crack cocaine I mean like if they smoke it all in one night do they get to a plateau where they're not going to get high no more?

Yes, you will plateau. That said, I have watched people continue to smoke for days. They will usually get paranoid but will still smoke until the crack is all gone. Many crack smokers will sell, pawn, or steal to get more. I have been around the block a few times in the drug culture, but crack is one evil drug. Wish I have never tried it!! Do yourself a favor and back away!