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I think so, yes. I'm pretty sure.

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Q: Do isolines tend to make parallel curves?
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Make a sentence using abudant?

The abundant goods in the supermarket tend to make you buy more than you intended.

Why does parallel Lines appear to meet in the distance?

If they tend to meet in the distance, the lines have been poorly drawn,or you have to be more accurate when making/constructing them :)=============================No !Parallel lines do appear to meet in the distance. That's the whole basis of theperspective effect in drawing.-- Stand on a railroad track, between the rails, and look at the track-bed in thedistance. The two rails appear to draw together as they get farther from you.-- Same if you stand in the middle of a straight road . . . it appears to get narrowerand the curbs draw together as they get farther from you.-- During a meteor shower, the individual meteors are parallel to each other, butto us, they appear to radiate from a single point in the sky.The reason is how our brains judge linear dimensions ... strictly by the ANGLE thatour eyes measure between two points. Anything that fills a smaller angle is perceivedas being a shorter distance. Distant people and airplanes subtend smaller angles andappear to be smaller than nearby ones, although we learn to compensate for that.The angle that parallel lines subtend at our eyes becomes smaller as they get fartheraway, which our brains interpret as a shorter linear distance between them. Turn itaround, and when you draw a picture of parallel lines, you can make them appear torecede in the distance by drawing them sloped toward each other.

What geometries tend to be present in polar molecules?

Trigonal planar and tetrahedrral geometries tend to be present in polar molecules.

How many words can you make from the words indicate?

The words ate, date, dice, nice, tend, a, an, in, I, tea, aid, aide, tin, and nit can be made from indicate. This is a total of 14 words.

What is the syllable for attended?


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Luxury goods like Dom Perignon champagne tend to have ______ demand curves.

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Luxury goods like Dom Perignon champagne tend to have elastic demand curves?


When waves tend to become parallel to the shore the process is called what?

When waves tend to become parallel to the shore, it is called wave refraction. This occurs as waves change direction and bend towards the shore due to variations in water depth, causing them to align parallel to the shoreline.

What is salt's cleavage?

The rocks tend to spilt along parallel planes defined by distribution and parallel arrangment of platy mineral crystals.

What factors tend to make demand curves more price elastic?

Close substitutes, increased income, luxury goods, time. Addiction makes demand less elastic, (inelastic) ex. Cigarettes. As time increases more substitutes become available.

What is the definition of the word converges?

The definition of the word converges is to tend to meet in a point or line; incline towards each other, as lines that are not parallel or to tend to a common result or conclusion.

How Horizontal lines as they go back in space will tend to get?

They will remain horizontal lines. A line parallel to the x-axis will remain a line parallel to the x-axis no matter how far back into space they go.

Will boys like your curvy figure?

well sure, men tend to love women with curves, it all depends on their taste. but whatever happens, find someone who likes you for you, not your body, ok?

What is the process called when waves reach shallow water and are bent and tend to become parallel to the shore?

This is an example of refraction, as the waves are being turned from their original path. This can result in the formation of a longshore (parallel) current that flows seaward as a "rip tide."

Does a coping saw cut in straight or curved lines?

It is designed to easily cut curves. Whether it cuts in straight or curved lines depends how good the user is: a good user will be able to use it to cut straight lines, but a not-so good user will tend to "wobble" and so cut lots of little curves when trying to cut in a straight line.

What words can you make with attend at the end?
