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Q: Do latrogenic cause an effect that is greater than the sum of the individual effects of each?
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What is the interaction of two drugs in such a way that the total effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects?

The interaction of two drugs in such a way that the total effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects is called synergism. The process is referred to as synergy.

Is refers to the interaction of two drugs in such a way that the total effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects?

Synergism refers to the interaction of two drugs where their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects. This can result in a more potent or enhanced therapeutic response, but it can also lead to increased side effects or toxicity.

What does the synergistic effect mean?

Synergistic effect refers to the interaction of two or more factors or substances that results in a combined effect greater than the sum of their individual effects. In other words, when two substances or factors work together, their combined effect is stronger than expected based on their individual effects.

What is the synergistic effect?

The synergistic effect describes a situation in which organic structures interacting results in an overall effect greater than the sum of all of the individual effects. This term can be applied to chemical substances or living organisms.

What is mean by synergistic effect?

I DO NOT KNOW THATIts when the effect of two chemicals on an organism is greater than the effect of each chemical individually, or the sum of the individual effects. The presence of one chemical enhances the effects of the second. This is called a synergistic effect or synergy, and the chemicals are sometimes described as showing synergism.

What does the word 'synergize' means?

The term 'synergize' refers to the interaction of multiple elements in a system to product an effect that would be greater than the individual effects of the elements.

When two or more substances interact together to cause effects that are far greater than the sum of the effect taken separately?

This is known as synergistic effect, where the combined effect of the substances is greater than the individual effects. Synergism can enhance the potency or toxicity of the substances when they are combined. The interaction can be beneficial or harmful depending on the context.

What is conjugate effect?

The conjugate effect is the phenomenon where combining two or more supplements produces a greater effect than the sum of their individual effects. This synergy can lead to improved performance or health outcomes. It is important to understand potential interactions between supplements to maximize benefits and avoid negative effects.

What does Synergism mean in medical terms?

combination of two drugs causes an effect that is greater than the sum of the individual effects of each drug alone

The whole is equal to more than the sum of its parts is termed what?

This concept is known as synergy, where the combined effect of the parts working together is greater than the sum of their individual effects.

Which of the following occurs in situations where more than one hormone produces the same effects at the target cell and their combined effects are amplified?

Synergism occurs when two or more hormones work together to produce an effect that is greater than the sum of their individual effects at the target cell. This amplification of the combined effects helps to enhance the overall response of the target cells to the hormones.

What two medicines combined together to have a greater effect called?

The effects are 'additive' if they just piggy-back on each other, or are 'synergistic' if the effect of both drugs together is greater than the sum of the effects of each of the drugs separately.