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Q: Do linear functions always result in a straight line?
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How are linear equations similar or different from functions?

A linear equation is a specific type of function that represents a straight line on a graph. While all linear equations are functions, not all functions are linear equations. Functions can take many forms, including non-linear ones that do not result in a straight line on a graph. Linear equations, on the other hand, follow a specific form (y = mx + b) where the x variable has a coefficient and the equation represents a straight line.

What is the difference between a function and expression?

Functions and Expressions are representations of relationships that exist among entities, however a function always returns a value (or result)

characteristics of linear or nonlinear?

A linear equation in n-dimensional space is of the form a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn + c = 0 where the ai are numerical constants and the xi are variables. The equation represents a straight line in n-dimensional space. A non-linear equation is one in which one or more of the xi have a power other than 1. The equation will represent a curve. A linear system is one in which you will get the same result if you change an input by the same amount - from whatever starting level. Otherwise the system is non-linear.

Do you Evaluate functions?

You can evaluate functions at points. For example, my pay is a function of how many hours I work. At 5 hours I can evaluate the result.

How do you do linear equations with points on a graph?

That will depend on the given straight line equation and then by plotting the x and y values on a graph the result will be a straight line that may be positive, negative, parallel to the x axis or parallel to the y axis.

Related questions

How are linear equations similar or different from functions?

A linear equation is a specific type of function that represents a straight line on a graph. While all linear equations are functions, not all functions are linear equations. Functions can take many forms, including non-linear ones that do not result in a straight line on a graph. Linear equations, on the other hand, follow a specific form (y = mx + b) where the x variable has a coefficient and the equation represents a straight line.

What are non linear functions?

Functions that do not result in a line when graphed.

How do you tell whether the relationship between two variables is linear?

By definition, if you graph the relationship between two variables and the result is a straight line (of whatever slope) that is a linear relationship. If it is a curve, rather than a straight line, then it is not linear.

What types of lines would be the result of an inconsistent system of equation?

If you refer to linear equations, graphed as straight lines, two inconsistent equations would result in two parallel lines.

Raising 1 to any power gives the result of?

The result will always be 1. This is demonstrated with the function f(x)= 1^x IF represented graphically, one would find a linear equation to which the solution is always x=1. So your output is always 1.

What is the difference between a function and expression?

Functions and Expressions are representations of relationships that exist among entities, however a function always returns a value (or result)

Is there any values of m that would result in the graph not representing a function?

No. A linear relationship of the form y = mx + c is always a function for real (or complex) values of m.

How does change in radius effect the linear speed?

The linear speed is directly proportional to the radius of rotation. An increase in radius will result in an increase in linear speed, while a decrease in radius will result in a decrease in linear speed. This relationship is governed by the equation v = ω * r, where v is linear speed, ω is angular velocity, and r is radius.

characteristics of linear or nonlinear?

A linear equation in n-dimensional space is of the form a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn + c = 0 where the ai are numerical constants and the xi are variables. The equation represents a straight line in n-dimensional space. A non-linear equation is one in which one or more of the xi have a power other than 1. The equation will represent a curve. A linear system is one in which you will get the same result if you change an input by the same amount - from whatever starting level. Otherwise the system is non-linear.

What is the relationship between x and y in a non-linear graph?

I believe one of the relationships between x and y in a non-linear graph will be the slope of each point will be unproportional. Therefore, it will create a non-straight line (usually a curved line) on the graph. If it's a linear graph, the slope is proportional and the line will be straight. If anyone thinks this is not "straight to the point", please feel free to correct this.{Added}. You are correct! The non-linear trace is curved. Linear means the trace is a straight line, produced when the y values are controlled by straightforwardly multiplying each x value by a constant which can be any number (except of course, 0).A non-linear graph is one in which the y ordinates are controlled by x^N where N is not equal to 1, by a trigonometrical or logarithmic function of x; or in the particular case of the Hyperbola, the reciprocals of the x values.What happens though in y = x^N when N does = 0? I'll leave it to you to spot the result - you don't need to calculate or plot it to realise the answer!

Is a zigzag faster or a straight line faster?

A straight line is usually faster than a zigzag route when traveling from one point to another. Zigzagging increases the overall distance traveled and can result in a longer travel time compared to a straight path.

Why are some nonpolar tails bent and others straight?

Nonpolar tails in phospholipids can be either straight or bent based on the presence of double bonds in the hydrocarbon chain. Tails with double bonds, like those in unsaturated fatty acids, create kinks in the chain that result in a bent shape. In contrast, saturated fatty acids have straight chains without any double bonds, leading to a linear, straight structure.