

Do men have eggs

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: Do men have eggs
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What does eggs mean in puberty?

it means the testis of men some call it the eggs in a slang term.

How do you get men to show compassion?

cake and boiled eggs

Why do women become pregnant and men dont?

Because women have eggs and a womb and men don't.

Why do woman get pragnet but men don't?

Because women have a uterus and eggs which you need for getting pregnant but men don't have these

Do X-Men lay eggs?

Yes, one does (his name is Beak)

Are women born with their eggs?

yes. men are not born with all their sperm.

Can a male get a male pregnant?

No. In order to get pregnant there has to be sperms and a egg and men don't have eggs.

What is the difference of a men penguin to a girl penguin?

men penguins go first to build the nest and the female penguins lay bluish white eggs

Why don't people lay eggs like birds do?

technichally woman already have eggs in their womb and then in turns into a HUMAN (sometimes) and for men i hope your smart enough to answer that yourself

Why do girls born babies instead of men?

Girls have ovaries which men doesn't have so he can't produce eggs with further can fertilize and become baby. So men can't born baby.

How many eggs are released from a males ovary eavh month?

None. Men don't have ovaries.

Is white bird from Angry Birds a girl?

Yes, because men don't lay eggs.