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Yes. In the absence of air, it doesn't even matter

how their shapes and sizes compare.

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Q: Do objects of different weights but similar size and shape fall to the ground at the same rate?
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How could Aristotle's hypothesis be supported or disproved?

Drop two balls with different weights and observe which ball hits the ground first.

When you drop a small object is the mass and veloctiy low or high?

Galileo was the first to discover that, when released at the same time, objects with different weights will reach the ground at the same time. This is true because the Earth's gravitation pull is constant. Generally speaking, the velocity of an object will initially be low (zero) and will, given time and distance, increase to reach its terminal velocity. Mass, on the other hand, will remain constant.

Does the mass effect the time taken for objects rolling down a slope?

Galileo dropped two different sized objects from the tower of Pisa and they both hit the ground at the same time. The object was to prove that the size/weight (i.e. mass) of the object would not affect the rate of fall.

What are tortes?

Tortes are similar to sponge cakes but rely on ground nuts or crumbs to replace some or all of their flour

How long does it it take an object of 4 kg to hit the ground considering another object with a mass of 2 kg took 3 seconds to hit the ground?

Assuming they were in a vacuum, if both objects were dropped from th esame height, then both take the same length of time to reach the ground. All masses fall with the same acceleration, reach the same speed in the same period of time, and hit the ground at the same time. Otherwise and if there is an atmosphere or if they are dropped from different heights, you have not presented information; shape and size are the most important factors.

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How are direct objects in sentences similar to objects on the ground?

You can kick them!

Objects with three very different sizes and weights are dropped off a tower on the moon. Which factor of the objects will determine which hits the ground first?

None of these matter. With no air resistance, they all hit the ground at the same time.

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Do heavy objects accelerates more than light ones?

In the absence of air resistance or other external forces, heavy objects and light objects will accelerate at the same rate due to gravity. This is known as the equivalence principle and was famously demonstrated by Galileo through his experiment with dropping different objects of various weights from the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

If you drop two objects of the Pisa tower will they both hit the ground at the same time?

Neglecting air resistance, yes, regardless of their comparative weights.

What three very different sizes and weights are dropped off a tower on the moon Which factor of the objects will determine which hits the ground first?

The objects will hit the ground at the same time since gravity acts the same on all objects regardless of their size and weight on the moon. The factor that determines which hits the ground first is the height from which they are dropped.

When the weights hit the ground the kinetic energy was converted to?

When the weights hit the ground, the kinetic energy is converted into other forms of energy, such as sound and heat due to friction with the ground. Some of the energy may also be stored temporarily as potential energy in the materials of the weights or the ground.

Why do 2 objects of different masses dropped from the same height hit the ground at the same time?

Two objects of different masses dropped from the same height will hit the ground at the same time because gravity pulls on both objects with the same acceleration, regardless of their mass. This acceleration is a constant value and it causes both objects to fall at the same rate, resulting in them hitting the ground simultaneously.

How could Aristotle's hypothesis be supported or disproved?

Drop two balls with different weights and observe which ball hits the ground first.

Why do dropped objects of different masses reach the ground at the same time in air?

Dropped objects of different masses reach the ground at the same time in air because the force of gravity accelerates all objects equally, regardless of their mass. This is known as the principle of the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass, as described by Galileo. Thus, in the absence of air resistance, objects of different masses will fall at the same rate.

What happens different mass fall from same height?

Objects with different masses will fall to the ground at the same rate in the absence of air resistance, due to gravity being a constant force regardless of mass. However, objects with different masses will experience different forces due to inertia, momentum, and friction when they reach the ground.

Which objects must be perpendicular to the ground if the ground is flat?

Objects like walls, poles, and trees must be perpendicular to the ground if the ground is flat. This ensures that they are standing upright and stable on the level surface.