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No ! a parallelogram doesn't have any line of symmetry !

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Q: Do parallelograms has a line of symmetry?
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How many lines of symmetry does a parallogram have?

Most parallelograms do not have any lines of symmetry. The only parallelograms that can have lines of symmetry are squares, rectangles, and rhombuses.

Do rectangles and parellelograms have rotation symmetry?

Yes rectangles and parallelograms have rotation symmetry. rectangles and parallelograms have a rotational symmetry of 2. I hope this information helps you.

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What has exactly 1 line of symmetry?

All the at least 1 line of symmetry are called: squares rectangles hexagons octagons triangles semicircles kites parallelograms isosceles triangles equilateral triangles Good Luck Finding an Answer! :)

Do parallelograms have lines of symmetry?

Some do, but not all. It's not a general thing that you can say about all parallelograms.

Do parallelograms have symmetry?

It depends on the parallelogram. There are usually no normal lines of symmetry, the rectangle and the square have 4.

Is the parallelograms the reflection symmetry?

A parallelogram normally has no lines of symmetry unless it is in the shape of a rectangle which will then give it 2 lines of symmetry

How many lines of symmetry does a parallelogram have?

Squares, which are parallelograms, have four lines of symmetry. Rectangles have only two. Rhombi have two lines of symmetry. Generic parallelograms don't have any lines of symmetry.None normally unless it is in the shape of a rectangle in which case it will have 2 lines of symmetry

What would a z have for a line of symmentry?

z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry.

What is the difference between line symmetry and line of symmetry?

A symmetrical shape is said to have line symmetry. A shape that has line symmetry can have one or more lines of symmetry

Shape with no symmetry?

Some shapes that fit that condition are parallelograms, scalene triangles, and trapezoids.