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Q: Do particles of a substance in different states have different shapes and sizes?
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Why are the shapes and widths of the time zones different?

The widths all average out the same ... 15 degrees of longitude per time zone. The shapes are drawn the way they are in order to avoid splitting cities and states into two different time zones.

Can you have two different license in two different states?

This is specificaly not allowed and can be met with fines and loss of both Licences.

What is the differences between Fermi Dirac statistic and Maxwell Boltzmann statistic?

the essential difference between M-B statistics and FD statistics (and their quantum cousin, bose-einstein statistics) is that maxwell-boltzmann statistics describe so-called "distinguishable" particles, whereas F-D and B-E statistics are used to describe "indistinguishable" particles. these statistics are used when trying to describe the statistical behavior of a collection of these particles. sorry if that sounds like a circular definition; i'll try to elaborate. statistical mechanics is all about the "average" behavior of lots of things - atoms, molecules, or particles. such averages are usually taken by considering every possible state of the system, and the probability of being in each state. so, for example - you should be familiar with the concept of energy levels if you're asking this question, so you can think about the distribution of a collection of particles among some energy levels. say you have a collection of 10 particles and there are 2 possible energy states that can be occupied. if the particles are distinguishable, that means you can put labels on them (particle #1, particle #2, etc). if particles #1,#2,#3,#4,#5 are in state 1, and #6,#7,#8,#9,#10 are in state 2, that is a DIFFERENT distribution than if you were to switch, say, #6 and #1. there are 2^10 = 1024 ways of arranging these 10 particles among 2 states. however, if the particles are indistinguishable, this means that you cannot label them, and so a collection of 5 particles in state 1 and 5 particles in state 2 is considered a single way of arranging them, even if you switch two particles between levels. there are only 11 different ways of doing this, compared to the 1024 ways for distinguishable particles! you'll see that there are 2002 different distributions for distinguishable particles, but that there are only 26 possible distributions for indistinguishable particles. anyway, what you do with this is that you then apply a fundamental theorem of equilibrium statistical mechanics, which basically says that "in a system at equilibrium, all accessible states are equally likely". if this is true, then for the distinguishable particles case, the system will spend equal amounts of time in all 2002 arrangements. the likelihood of being in any particular arrangement is 1/2002. HOWEVER, notice that some of these 2002 states have the same NUMBER of particles in a particular energy level. that is, certain distributions of *the number of particles in each state* are more likely than others, and if you keep increasing the number of particles, you will see a single distribution will start to dominate. in the limit of lots of particles and lots of energy states, you can write that distribution down as an exponential decay. it's called the maxwell-boltzmann distribution function, and it tells you how "populated" a particular energy level is. for indistinguishable particles, on the other hand, we have to pause and draw a further distinction. there are 2 types of statistics that apply to indistinguishable particles, one called Bose-Einstein and one called Fermi-Dirac. in the B-E statistics, there are no restrictions on the number of particles (called "bosons" - things like photons, He4 atoms, gluons) in each state, and so we just get our 26 possible arrangements. again we apply our equal probability theorem, and from that we get a bose-einstein distribution function, which is similar in form to the M-B d.f. but behaves drastically different at low temperatures. (look up "bose-einstein condensate" to see how different!) in the F-D statistics however, the particles are subject to a further restriction known as the "pauli exclusion principle" - that is, a maximum of 2 particles can occupy any state. if we go back to our 6 particles with 9 quanta example, you'll see that there are only *5* possible arrangements for these particles (called "fermions" - things like electrons, neutrons, protons). again, the requirement of equal probability in all states applies, and we can get a fermi-dirac distribution function, which also looks similar in form to the other 2 but behaves extremely differently. the "max of 2 in each level" requirement shifts the distribution away from the low energy levels. lots of interesting physics comes about only in the presence of large numbers of "things" - atoms, electrons, whatever. it's (practically) impossible to construct a complicated equation of motion for such a large number of particles, though in principle it could be done. (though anyone who's ever tried solving even a 3-body problem will tell you about how miserable it is.) so we use these statistical descriptions to describe the "average" behavior of the collection. fermi statistics are very important to the theory of semiconductors, for instance, where lots of interacting electrons cause the formation of a forbidden energy zone called a band gap. maxwell distributions are a good way to describe the distribution of velocities in a gas of atoms. also, an experimentalist might use these statistics in reverse. they could measure the distribution of energy levels of some particle, which could tell them about which statistic they obey, and from that one can infer other information about the particle's properties. generally, you want to use the maxwell-boltzmann statistics/distribution when you are dealing with a "classical" system and the F-D or B-E formulations when you are dealing with a quantum mechanical system. often the hard part is telling the difference between the two.

Advantages of binary over decimal you?

The addition and multiplication table is much simpler. Also, on a computer it is easier to distinguish two different states than ten different states. For these reasons, modern computers do most of their calculations internally in binary.

How wide is 1 square acre?

The word "square" is incorrectly applied if asking about 1 square acre.The acre is a unit of area in a number of different systems, including the Imperial and U.S. customary systems. The most commonly used acres today are the international acre and, in the United States, the survey acre. The most common use of the acre is to measure tracts of land.One acre comprises 4,840 square yards, or 43,560 square feet, or about 4,046.86 square meters = 0.404686 hectares.All that said, an acre of land, which is a measure of the area of a plot of land, can come in different shapes. An acre may be square, or it may be a rectangle that is half as wide as it is long. Or a rectangle that is four times longer than it is wide. It could even be a circle, elipse, or other shapes. How "wide" it is will vary with the shape.

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The kinetic model of matter is called kinetic because it focuses on the motion of particles in a substance. It explains how particles are in constant motion, with different states of matter being determined by the speed and arrangement of these particles.

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The state of matter of a substance is primarily determined by the arrangement and movement of its particles. Factors such as temperature and pressure can influence the state of matter by causing particles to move differently and form various structures, resulting in the different states - solid, liquid, and gas.

When are particles able to flow over each other?

Particles in a substance are able to flow over each other when the substance is in a liquid or gas state. In these states, the particles have enough energy to move around and slide past each other, allowing the substance to take the shape of its container.

How does water turn from a solid to a liquid?

water like other things can change different states. So what happens is the particles in this substance reacts to the temperatures (which affects what state it goes in) and thus change different states. Take a look at this diagram for a further explanation.

How are liquid particles gas particles and ice particles the same?

They are all made of matter; just in different states.

Does temperature affect the states of matter?

Yes, temperature affects the states of matter. Changing the temperature can cause a substance to change from a solid to a liquid to a gas, and vice versa. This is due to the increase or decrease of kinetic energy of the particles in the substance.

Can you increase the number of particles of a substance in a chemical reaction?

No, the number of particles of a substance is determined by the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. The number of particles remains the same before and after the reaction.

What are Factors affecting state of a substance?

Factors affecting the state of a substance include temperature, pressure, and the intermolecular forces between the particles of the substance. Changes in these factors can lead to a substance transitioning between solid, liquid, and gas states.

What state of matter is that substance?

The state of matter of a substance is determined by the arrangement of its particles. The three main states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. Solids have particles that are tightly packed and vibrating in place, liquids have loosely packed particles that can move past one another, and gases have particles that are far apart and move freely.

What causes matter to exist in three different states?

The three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) are determined by the arrangement and movement of the particles that make up a substance. In solids, particles are closely packed and vibrate in place. In liquids, particles are more spread out and can move past each other. In gases, particles are far apart and move freely. The state of matter depends on the balance between the intermolecular forces and the kinetic energy of the particles.