No as they live of bee sperm. The bee when resting upon the plant, ejaculates on it. This is why you are told to wash apples incase you get B Herpes aka BEE HERPES
Some plants like mushrooms and fungi can survive without sunlight.
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a false aurelia requires a moderate amount of light, and will thrive with more light. the amount of water it needs will be directly proportionate to how much light it receives. they prefer their soil to be moist at all times, if it starts to dry out the leaves will quickly begin losing their color. i have two in my bedroom, the smaller of which is right in front of a window, it is definitely the thirstiest of all my plants, neeeding to be watered 2-3 times per week. besides having many different plants, i worked as an interior landscaper for a few years
soil water sunlight
We can't make light, we can allow light to be present through light bulbs, by opening the window and letting the sunlight to enter in a room, and by several other methods. Only the Sun can make natural light that can reach the Earth. We can build devices and power plants which can generate artificial light.
yes they do just like me need light otherwise they will die. Mainly plants need space, light and water
Plants need light to make fruit for us or make oxygen and grow!
it depends. however most plants will need at least some light to survive
Plants need light to grow at all. Except fungi.
for vitaman D and because we need to eat plants and plants need the light.
Yes, plants need light to mature because light is essential for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy to produce food. Without sufficient light, plants cannot produce the energy they need to grow and develop properly.
Plants need light to make food, we need light to see, and without plants animals wouldn't eat, without animals and plants we would die.
It effects other plants because plants need the proper light and plants can move a little bit to see the light.
No. Most plants need light for photosynthesis to take place, whereas animals only need light for ther sight.
No. They need light for energy which they use to make food with.
Plants need more than light to grow, they also need water. The desert does not have sufficient water to support large plants except on an oasis.
light = photosynthesis !