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We have no other way to "draw" points than to put down a blob of ink or pencil lead, with dimensions,

just so it's visible on the paper. But technically, those are not points. Mathematically, a real "point" has

only a location, but no dimensions.

Two points can have different locations, or they can have the same location. If they have the same location,

then they coincide. If they have different locations, then they don't coincide. They can't partly overlap, because

there's no such thing as "part" of a point.

If anybody ever succeeded in drawing a real point on paper, you couldn't see it, because it has no size.

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Q: Do points have dimension the edges of points that are very close together can sometimes overlap?
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True or false Because they have no dimension two points that are very close together will never overlap?


True or false Because they have dimension the edges of points that are very close together can sometimes overlap?

False. Edges, being one-dimensional, cannot physically overlap in a three-dimensional space, even if the points connected by those edges happen to be close together. Each edge has a distinct path and cannot occupy the same space as another edge simultaneously.

If a point has no dimension and a line is made up of points and has dimesnsions how can this be?

A line is not made up of points for the very reason that points have no dimension. It is absolutely impossible for things with no dimension, so matter how many are added, to ever equal something of one dimension. It is easy to think of points as dots. Dots, however, are only representations of points to help us visualize pints. Although many dots added together can make a line, points cannot.

Because they have dimension the edges of points that are very close together can sometimes overlap?

This issue, known as z-fighting, occurs due to limited precision in representing depth in computer graphics. When two surfaces are nearly parallel and their depth values are very close, the rendering engine may not be able to distinguish which one should be displayed in front. This results in flickering or shimmering visual artifacts as the surfaces fight to be rendered on the screen.

What is a dimension of a point?

Points are dimensionless.

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A line is a series of points extending infinitely in opposite directions. Because a single point has no dimension we get only one dimension when we line the points up.

Because they have a definite size two points can overlap and not be equal.?

B. False APEX...:)

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it connects to the points of Hawaii and Alaska

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you would get a grid that you can plot points on.

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