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Q: Do pupils differ on one side of face due to stroke?
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If someone had a stroke in his brain and couldn't use the muscle on the right side of the face which hemisphere of the brain had the stroke?

the Left Side.

Your right side of your face is swollen and your eye hurts?

your having a stroke, or you've been punched

What causes the right side of face to suddenly droop and get double vision?

A Stroke!! see a dr!

What are the main stroke symptoms?

The main symptom of a stroke are the side of the face drooping and becoming numb. The person is also likely to slur their speech, perhaps to dribble, and possibly pass out.

Could you inform me about mild stroke symptoms?

The mild stroke symptoms would be the same as a stroke of any magnitude. The intesity will vary but the symptoms are weakness of the face, arm, or leg on one side of body, and difficulty with speech.

What does it mean when the left side of your face feels droopy?

Could be nerve damage, or the signs of a stroke. You should consult your doctor.

What is the best psychological perspective for a 76 year old recovering from a stroke?

This is a rough one to answer. It depends on the severity and location of the stroke. The end results of which can range from a slight droop on either side of the face (noting the opposite side of the brain where the stroke occurred) to a vegetative state, requiring life support.

Signs of a stroke?

A stroke spreads like a fire in the brain. This is how you detect a stroke using the F.A.S.T technique:F. Face, has their face fallen of one side? Can they smile?A. Arms, can they raise both arms and keep them there?S. Speech, if their speech slurred?T. Time, Just like to fire, it's time to call 999 or 112!

Whatcan cause numbness on the right side of the face?

A stroke where the left side of the brain was blocked. The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, so any damage to it would affect the right side of the body

What are common stroke like symptoms?

Stroke like symptoms include a numb feeling down the side of the body and face and slurred speech. A person with stroke like symptoms would be unable to smile normally, or to raise both of the arms evenly above their head.

What is the diffence between left side stroke and right side?

Right BrainThe effects of a stroke depend on several factors, including the location of the obstruction and how much brain tissue is affected. However, because one side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body, a stroke affecting one side will result in neurological complications on the side of the body it affects. For example, if the stroke occurs in the brain's right side, the left side of the body (and the right side of the face) will be affected, which could produce any or all of the following:Paralysis on the left side of the bodyVision problemsQuick, inquisitive behavioral styleMemory lossLeft BrainIf the stroke occurs in the left side of the brain, the right side of the body will be affected, producing some or all of the following:Paralysis on the right side of the bodySpeech/language problemsSlow, cautious behavioral styleMemory loss

What are common symptoms of someone having a stroke?

One sign of a stroke could be a the person's speech is slurred or strange. Another sign is that one side of their face is drooping. The last sign is one arm dropping downward.