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Q: Do resistors have a positive and negative side?
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How can you tell what side is negative and what side is positive?

Large side is negative

Why do batteries have a positive and negative side?

they do because like magnets we have negative and positive ,negative and negative repel and vise verse but positive and negative attract

Do potentiometers have polarity?

No, potentiometers do not have polarity. They are variable resistors that can be used in either direction without affecting their functionality.

Is the anode side of a batteries the positive side or the negative side?

" Anode " is generally refer to POSITIVE. Cathode generally refer to NEGATIVE. But these terms are use for different applications ( For example: you wouldn't refer to the POSITIVE side of a battery as ANODE or NEGATIVE side as CATHODE, it commonly refer as positive or negative when you are dealing with battery application etc. )

In a schematic drawing of battery is the long side the positive side or the negative?

The positive

Does energy flow through the negative or positive of a battery?

Energy flows from the negative terminal to the positive terminal of a battery.

What side of the battery does the electricity generate from?

Both. Positive charge comes from the positive sids (+) and negative charge comes from the negative side (-)

Is pros for the positive side or the negative side?

Pros are for the negative side since it is against the fact of something.

What ion is attracted to the positive side?

Negative will be attracted to positive.

What is difference between positive and negative conductor?

A positive conductor carries a positive electric charge, while a negative conductor carries a negative electric charge. Positive conductors repel each other and attract negative conductors. Negative conductors repel each other and attract positive conductors.

What are the two names for either side of a magnet?

The positive (+) side and the negative (-) side.

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two negatives of theocracy