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Q: Do school buses have to stop at a stop sign?
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Do school buses have to stop at a yield sign?

When driving a bus, some of the rules are different. Buses do have to come to a complete stop at any T intersection or place where roads merge, even if there is no stop sign there. I believe the same goes for a yield sign, since roads are joining together there. No, the schoolbus does not.

Can school buses stop on the interstate?

School buses can have stops on the interstate. I have been driving for 19 years and 7 of those years, I have had a stop on the interstate. it was an 8-lane....... only the drivers on my 4 lanes had to stop. I would put on my amber flashers about a mile early and everyone stopped!!!

Whats the difference between a school stop sign and a regular stop sign?

A stop sign is a red sign that says "STOP" and it is better than a stop light because it's cheeper and free.

Which of these vehicles must always stop before crossing railroad tracks?

Tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placardsAdded: Commercial passenger-carrying buses.

Do school buses have babies?

No they don't because school buses are not living creatures.

How are school buses safe?

School buses are known to be the safest veichels on the road.

Are school buses really yellow?

really school buses are orange and yellow

What color are school buses in Europe?

There is no set colour for school buses in Europe. Europe has about 50 countries and they have lots of school buses of all sorts of colours.

Where do you get wiring schematics for international school buses?

Wiring schematics for international school buses can be found through the original manufacture of the school buses. These schematics can be used by auto mechanics when the buses need to be repaired.

Do school buses have seatbelts?

Newer school buses do have seatbelts. However, it is expensive for school systems to buy all new buses every year, and most counties and districts only replace a certain number of buses each year. This means that, though newer school buses do have seatbelts, not all school buses currently in use are equipped with seatbelts.

What did school buses look like in 1970?

School buses looked the same as they do now.

Were there any school buses in 1941?

They did in 1939, so they must of had school buses in 1941. :)