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Q: Do ships use coordinates
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What do you understand by the co-ordinates of a map?

Coordinates on a map are used for navigation. Many ships and aircraft use coordinates to travel vast distances. Coordinates are also utilized by GPS (Global-Positioning Systems).

How do use the word coordinates in a sentence?

The team coordinates their action by the clock. What are the coordinates of that country?

What jobs use coordinates?

NavigatorSurveyorDraftsmanMechanical engineerElectrical engineerRadio technicianReal estate agentPilotFisherman

What board game uses coordinate planes and how?

battleship, you have to give numerical coordinates in order to sink opponents ships

What coordinates do you use to launch the space ship?

The coordinates are X-56, Y-52.

What do you use coordinates for?

You use it in space to find the planets

What professions use coordinates?


How do you use coordinates to find countries?

You can use latitude and longitude coordinates to locate countries on a map. Simply input the coordinates into a map application or website like Google Maps to see the country at those specific coordinates. Alternatively, you can use geographic information systems (GIS) software to analyze and visualize country borders based on coordinates.

How do you use coordinates in World of Warcraft?

The easiest and best way to use coordinates is to get an addon for the game. Then when someone gives you coordinates to go to, you can just tell the addon to point the way. One of the more popular addons for coordinates is called TomTom (linked below). It includes an arrow that literally points you in the direction of the coordinates.

Which methods can you use to get the y coordinates of a midpoint?

Take the arithmetic average of the y-coordinates of the end points.

How do you draw a line?

use cartesian coordinates

What did people use to get to America?

Ships. They came over on SHIPS!