Yes. Some cats (feral cats) like to swim like tigers. Housecats may actually like to swim, too. Maybe in a sink but NEVER put him/her in a pool. It may drown. In my experience with my youngest cat, he seemed to like to swim in the sink when he was a kitten.
All big cats can swim, although some prefer not to.
Some one might be more dominant/stronger on one side making them swim diagonally.
well, some cats like string( because they look like mices tails) so maybe you should try that.
The answer depends on whether you want the ratio ofdomesticated cats and dogs to other domesticated pets,domesticated cats and dogs to non-domesticated cats and dogs,domesticated cats to domesticated dogs,some other ratio that I have not considered!
3 / 5 * 100 = 60% ■
Cats may not like to swim because they hate water but they do swim. all cats swim. For some cats it comes naturally and learn it from their parents or their care takers and yes this includes some wild animals.
Cats doesn't swim; cats doesn't like water.
No, the British Short hair cats do not like water or like to swim.
Domestic cats do not like water. Tigers will swim.
All big cats can swim, although some prefer not to.
No, but the Swimming Turkish cats can; Most cats hate water, well some of them might like it when they are kittens, but then 'WOOOOOSH'
sand cats can swim. like other ways then normal.
Bengal Cats can swim and hum to baby's. They look like a little leopards.
yes cheatas can swim, all cats can swim but do not like to get wet.
certain cats, like fisher cats do, and tigers will swim if they have to.
Yes. Lions usually don't like to swim, but tigers love to. tigers like the water but lions do not because tigers live in the rain forest and lions live in warm places were theirs not much water
domestic cats can swim like most animals but the feral cat have been observed to be swimming for the fun of it