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40 * 500 = 20000 has four zeros in it.

40 * 600 = 24000 has three zeros in it.

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Q: Do the products 40 times 500 and 40 times 600 have the same amount of zeros?
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No, they are exactly the same. The amount of zeros after all the numbers behind the decimal are insignificant.

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1.950 would be. Adding any amount of zeros after that would still leave it at the same value.

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I think my answer is, it is the same because you multiple and number 0 times 0 is 0

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No because a million numerically is 1,000,000

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It's 540. The easiest way to multiply 10 or 100 or 1000 or 10000 etc. by a decimal is to look at the number of zeros in the number and move the decimal to the right the same amount of times as the amount of zeros I am multiplying the number by. For instance if I am multiplying 3.5 by 10 I would move the decimal in 3.5 to the right one time because there is one zero in 10. Changing it from 3.5 to 35. If you were multiplying it by 100 you would move the decimal 2 times because there are 2 zeros in 100, with 1000 you would move it three times and so on. If you were dividing it you would do the same thing just move the decimal to the left instead. Hope this information helps you in the future.

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The same as the number of zeros in 10000, that is, 4.

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if all the numbers have two zeros or above and they have to have the same amount of zeros as the one above it unless the number is switching place values 100 200 300 400 cannot skip to 1000

When you add decimals should the numbers have the same amount of digits?

yes, for an example: 4.77 + 3.8 line up the decimals and add zeros so there are the same amount of numbers 4.77+ 3.8 and add a zero so its like this 4.77+3.80 and add