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Speed is measured by distance and time, yes.

Velocity takes in direction.

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Q: Do two vehicles travelling at the same speed cover the same distance at the same time?
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In 1 hour how much kilometer cover?

Depends on your average speed. Distance = Speed*Time. If travelling at the speed of light, 1.08 billion kilometres. If at the speed of a garden snail, 0.05 kilometers.

Is 2 vehicles having different speed but same distance have same velocities?

No, velocity considers both speed and direction. So if two vehicles have different speeds but cover the same distance in the same time, they will have different velocities.

Equation to find speed?

Speed = (Distance)/(Time to cover the distance)

How fast can you cover 10 miles if you are travelling at 1500 mph The same speed as a sidewinder missile?

time is distance divided by speed 10/1500 = .00667 hours = 0.4 minutes = 24 seconds

How many minutes away is the mooon?

None or Infinity. What speed are you travelling? Are we walking or travelling the speed of light? Temporal distance is entirely dependant on velocities.

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When the distance travelled by a body is directly proportional to time then it is travelling with?

constant speed.

If the distance is 29 kilometers how many minutes is it by car?

That depends at what speed you are travelling.

What tells you the distance a car has traveled?

In a car the Odometer will show you the distance travelled. In mathematics you would need to know the average speed the car was travelling at and the time that it was travelling for. Divide the average speed by 360 to get how many units of distance were covered per second. Muliply this by the number of seconds the car was travelling for. The result will be the distance, in the same unit of distance as the speed was measured in. Example, Average speed = 30km per hour Time = 15 minutes (900 seconds) Distance = (Average Speed/360)*Time = (30/360)*900 = 7.5 (km)

How long does it take you to travel 133.0 miles?

It all depends on the speed you are travelling. Remember, speed is distance/time.

What is the formula ffor calculating speed?

Speed = (distance covered) divided by (time to cover the distance)

How do they calculate average speed?

Average speed = (distance covered) divided by (time to cover the distance)