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No. The vertices can be concave.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 1y ago

No, vertices do not have to be pointed out. Vertices are the points where the edges of a shape or object meet. They can be sharp or rounded, depending on the shape or object.

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Q: Do vertices have to be pointed out?
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How to identify faces vertices edges of cube?

If they are flat, they are faces. If they are pointed, they are vertices and if they are thin and long they are edges.

How many vertices does a five-pointed star have?

Actually it has ten vertices's you half to count the inside too

How many vertices on a pentagram prism?

A pentagram is a five pointed star and has 10 vertices. So, a pentagram prism has 20 vertices. This is NOT the same as a pentagonal prism.

A pentagram is a how many pointed star?

A pentagram has five points or vertices.

What is the vertex in a square?

there are 4 vertices(singular vertex) of a square. the pointed edges are called vertex

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The tip of a triangle is known as a vertex. A triangle has 3 vertices, 3 sides, and 3 angles. As well, apex can be described as the pointed end of a triangle tip.

What does a 10 sided polygon look like?

10 sides 10 corners (vertices), no intersecting lines a closed figure.The sides&angles are not necessarily equal, unless a regular polygon is specified. A five-pointed staractually is a 10-sided polygon (There are 5 vertices pointing 'out' and 5 pointing 'in').

How many vertices in 2 squares and 2 rectangles?

16 vertices.16 vertices.16 vertices.16 vertices.

Is the centroid equidistant from the vertices's of a triangle?

No. and it is not vertices's! vertices will do.

A farmer wants to plant 10 cabbages he wants 5 rows with 4 cabbages in each row how can he do this?

Make a pentagon, and draw lines from each point to each other point. That would give you a five-pointed star within a pentagon. Plant the cabbages on the 5 vertices of the pentagon, and on the five points where the internal lines (the diagonals) cross.Make a pentagon, and draw lines from each point to each other point. That would give you a five-pointed star within a pentagon. Plant the cabbages on the 5 vertices of the pentagon, and on the five points where the internal lines (the diagonals) cross.Make a pentagon, and draw lines from each point to each other point. That would give you a five-pointed star within a pentagon. Plant the cabbages on the 5 vertices of the pentagon, and on the five points where the internal lines (the diagonals) cross.Make a pentagon, and draw lines from each point to each other point. That would give you a five-pointed star within a pentagon. Plant the cabbages on the 5 vertices of the pentagon, and on the five points where the internal lines (the diagonals) cross.

How many vertices does a rectangular prism have?

Did you mean vertices? A rectangular prism would have 8 vertices.

Does a sphere have six vertices?

No. A sphere has no vertices. An octohedron has six vertices.