

Do veterinarians use geometry

Updated: 10/26/2022
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12y ago

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"As a veterinarian we use math daily in various ways. Probably the most common way I use math is to calculate drug dosages for my patients. Since I have patients ranging from 1-200 pounds, there is a wide range of dosages I could use for different medications. For example, if I have a 5 pound Chihuahua that needs a medication that is dosed at 25 mg/kg, I first have to convert weight in pounds to weight in kilograms. (5/2.2=2.27 kg) Then I need to calculate the amount of mgs needed (2.27x25=56.8mg) Then if the medicine is a liquid that comes in a concentration of 100mg/1 ml I have to calculate the amount of liquid needed. (56.8/100=0.57 mls) This is done over and over and over again all day long. We also have certain medications that are dosed according to an animal's body surface area.

Other areas we use math and not as obvious to many people. We use it during surgery and radiology as well. In some surgeries we need to make incisions perpendicular to certain body structures or parallel to certain blood vessels. Many orthopedic surgeries are done with specific angles of the bones or joints in mind. In radiology we have to take films at a certain angle of the beam as it enters the patient. With IV fluids and medications, I need to be able to calculate the amount of dehydration is occurring in the patient in order to determine how much fluids need to be given to rehydrate and then maintain hydration. We use math to calculate the amount to food an animal needs to eat. We can calculate the daily metabolic needs of a patient and then figure out how many calories are in the food the dog eats in order to determine how much to feed."

-Dr. Dana L. Smith

Answer Submitted By: Rosa Angeles

Resource: Interview With Dr. Dana L. Smith

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