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Q: Do we all have to be the same in order to be equal?
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Are all rhombus similar?

No. In order to be similar, their angles must be equal. Rhombuses don't all have to have the same set of angles. All a rhombus needs is four equal sides. Different rhombuses can be "squished" by different amounts.

Is it equal 20x20x40cm equals 40x20x20cm?

Yes. When multiplying it does not matter what order the numbers are in, it will always equal the same.

What are the properties of a equalateral triangle?

All three sides are congruent (equal in length); all three angles are congruent (same measure).All three sides are congruent (equal in length); all three angles are congruent (same measure).All three sides are congruent (equal in length); all three angles are congruent (same measure).All three sides are congruent (equal in length); all three angles are congruent (same measure).

What does all regular polygon have?

All regular polygons have sides of equal lengths and angles of equal sizes.

What for sided shape has all sides the same length and all angles equal?

A square is a four-sided shape with all sides equal and all angles equal.

What shapes has got all the same sides?

A regular polygon has all sides equal length, and all of the angles are equal.

What is an equal set?

A set is said t be an equal set when all the elements are the same. Eg:Let A={1,2,3} and B={1,2,3} All the elements in it is the same thus A and B are equal sets. It is represented as A=B.

Are all sides equal on an equilateral triangle?

Yes the are all the same size. They are also the same angle.

Can the lower and upper quartiles be equal?

Yes. Usually the value of the lower quantile, median, and upper quantile are in ascending order, how if for the particular set of data, if all values are the same, then these three measures can be the same.

Why do you think it is important for all people to be equal?

because everyone is the same we all have a heart , live ,brain we are all the same

Are Equilateral and equivalent triangles the same thing?

No Equilateral triangles are triangles that have all of its three sides the same exact measurement. This means that if all the sides are the same then all of the interior angles will equal the same. And they always equal 60 degrees in an equilateral triangle. Equivalent traingles are just traingles that are equal in size and angles to another triangle equal. Equivalent traingles can be equilateral but they do not have to be.

What does it mean or a polygon to be regular?

A regular polygon has all equal interior angles and all equal sides of the same length