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For some values, yes. For some values, no. For some people, yes. For some people, no. Every person, family and situation is different.

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Q: Do you believe that during adolescence peer influence is greater than family when it comes to basic values?
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Your Body During Adolescence - 1955 was released on: USA: 1955

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Metabolism can speed up during adolescence. This is one of the times during a life cycle where the metabolism works faster.

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The factors that lead to the development of adolescence as a distinct stage of life differ for boys and girls. When boys start to produce seminal liquids and girls start to menstruate the adolescent stage is reached.

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During adolescence, cognitive development is marked by gains in reasoning, problem-solving skills, and abstract thinking. Peer influence becomes more prominent during this period, impacting decision-making and identity formation. Increased cognitive abilities also allow adolescents to explore and contemplate complex moral and ethical issues.

How does the parent-child relationships change during adolescence?

It oftens does they get more stubborn and argue more or at least most do. Good Luck!

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Jeffrey J. Haugaard has written: 'Problematic behaviors during adolescence' -- subject- s -: Adolescent psychiatry, Behavior disorders in adolescence, Conduct disorders in adolescence, Developmental psychology, Health behavior in adolescence

What are the different changes that occur during the stage of adolescence?
