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Q: Do you calculate when you divide the total distance traveled by the total time?
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Which of the following do you calculate when you divide the total distance traveled by the total traveled time?

Speed = Distance/Time

How do you calculate miles traveled per dollar spent?

Divide the total distance by the amount of fuel used... then multiply by the cost per gallon.

What two things must you know to determine avaerage speed?

To determine average speed, you need to know the total distance traveled and the total time taken to travel that distance. Divide the total distance by the total time to calculate the average speed.

How do you couculate average speed?

To calculate average speed, you divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken. The formula is: Average Speed = Total Distance ÷ Total Time. Make sure to use consistent units for distance and time in your calculations.

How to calculate the average speed of a bus?

To calculate the average speed of a bus, you would need to determine the total distance traveled by the bus and the total time it took to cover that distance. Divide the total distance by the total time to get the average speed. This formula is Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time.

How do you calculate average speed over a period of time?

Divide the total distance traveled by the total time elapsed. Hint: If you're looking for miles per hour (miles/hour), divide miles by hours.

What are the two measure necessary to calculate average speed?

Total distance traveled & total elapsed time.

Why is the average speed the easiest to calculate?

the average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time.

How do you find the average speed of a moving object?

To find the average speed of a moving object, divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. The formula is: Average speed = total distance / total time.

How do you calculate the distance and object has traveled?

You can calculate the distance an object has traveled by multiplying its speed by the time it has been traveling. So, Distance = Speed x Time. If the object's speed is constant, you can simply multiply the speed by the total time traveled to get the distance.

How many average speed in 60m?

To calculate average speed, you would need the total time taken to cover the distance. If we have the time taken, we can divide the distance traveled by the time taken to get the average speed. Without the time taken, we cannot calculate the average speed in this case.

What is an object's total distance traveled divided by the total time it traveled?

The object's total distance traveled divided by the total time it traveled is its average speed.