To multiply 115 by 10 add a nought: 1150
To divide by ten move the decimal point 1 place to the left: 11.5
Centimetres to metres: divide by 100 Centimetres to millimetres: multiply by 10 Centimetres to kilometres: divide by 100000.
Multiply my 10.
Divide... by 10
Multiply by 10
1 centimeter = 1.0 × 10-5 kilometers
divide mph by 10, and then multiply answer by 6 will give you kilometers
Centimetres to metres: divide by 100 Centimetres to millimetres: multiply by 10 Centimetres to kilometres: divide by 100000.
You divide the number of meters by 1000 to get distance in kilometers. You multiply the number of kilometers by 1000 to get the distance in meters. Generally, when converting from a large unit to a smaller one, you multiply. You divide when going from smaller to larger. However, conversion factors are often given that imply multiplication, no matter what direction you're going. For example, to convert from feet to inches, multiply by 12. To go from inches to feet, multiply by 0.0833 (which is 1/12, of course). In the metric system, it's more common: to go from kilometers to meters, multiply by 1000; to go from meters to kilometers, multiply by 0.001. Those who are good at math understand that multiplying by a fraction (a value less than one) is the same as dividing by its reciprocal.
Multiply my 10.
There are 0.001 km in 1 meter. All you have to do is multiply 10 by 0.001. Just remember when you go from a prefix to a base, km being a prefix and m being a base, you multiply. When you are going from a base to a prefix, divide. 10 times 0.001 is 0.01m.
Well the best answer is you should multiply not divide
Divide... by 10
Multiply by 10
Divide by 10.
Multiply cm by 10 to get mm. Divide mm by 10 to get cm.