There is no evidence to support the hypothesis that you will eat more when you are having a boy then a girl as opposed to having a girl and then a boy.
Because normally in a less developed country ,their parents need more help from their children so the family can eat properly example: girl in the family helps with the crops and when time past by the crops will grow and the family can eat the crops together......
The more you eat the more you weigh.
A posistive from this is that you are able to lose weight but a negetive is not being able to eat your favourite meats.
That depends what she is planning to do with him. To eat, possibly, yes. Disclaimer: Wikianswers discourages cannibalism.
Please eat more apples.
boy or girl and be more specific they eat 2000
Baby Boy - Pregnant Sim eat Apples Baby Girl - Pregnant Sim eat Watermelons.
no boy or girl
In the Sims 3 you can do a cheat that gives you a boy or a girl. To get a GIRL you eat watermelon which you get form the grocery store. To get a BOY you eat apples. You do this when you are pregnant. well in sims2 on PC i had a girl! im guessing i had it by eating mac'n'cheese and cereal!
eat chicken
Ladies Footwears Commonly, a girl can wear ladies Footwears. Boy can also wear the same but he can eat as well Because If a boy misbehaves with the girl then in that condition he can eat it...
You can! Im pritty sure you know the beguinning but heres a cheat for kids 3 watermelons= girl *eat no apples if you want a girl also no pandcakes 3 apples= boy * eat no watermelons The more of the certain fruit you eat the more chance of twins or triplets!
yes but girl eats the boy..
If you want a baby boy, you need to eat at least 10 apples or more. For a baby girl, you need to eat 10 or more watermelons. Each fruit you eat changes the chances of the gender by 5%. It starts off at 50% for either, and then is affected by the fruit eated by the mother during pregnancy.
yes because they eat little boy and lions
preaper so the girl grasshoper couil eat him
Yes, it was Shea Patterson but i don't know if it it was a girl or boy. I am guessing it is a Girl. Wait No boy. I am not sure. SORRY:(