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science yes, if your aren't good at these id recommend learning science, math and spelling too...

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Q: Do you have to be good in math and science to be a vet?
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Related questions

What do you have to specialize in to become a wildlife vet?

you have to do science and math

What studies do you have to do in grade 10 if you want to be a vet?

Math and science.

What courses do you need to take to do to become a vet?

you need to accomplish math and science

What type of person would a vet job interest?

Well, obviously people who like animals. Besides that, people who are good at and enjoy math and science.

Can you do doctor with science and maths?

Yes you need to be good at math and science to be a doctor - So if you are good at math or science you will make a perfect doctor.

If you are good at math and you love it can you do love science and enjoy science more?

You Probally will like it and be good at it. If your really good at math you should be good with physics.

Is Math and Science A Good School?

Math And Science in Harrisburg is a very good school. (Based on the corrections we had to make to this answer, we wonder...)

What careers are suitable for those who are good at math but not science and computer science?

Well if you are really good at math you could be a mathematician.

Is it true that if you as an individual are great with math you will fail science and engineering?

On the contrary, you will need a lot of math to be good at science and engineering, so if you are good at math you have a good start, at least.


English, math and science.

Is it true that if you are good at math you suck at science?

No that is not true, for all people. Because i myself am an amazing math student, but am incredible at science. I also have three friends who are math geniuses but are really good at science.

What should your options be at school to become a vet?

In high school you should be focused on taking as hard of math and science classes as possible - vet schools require you to have taken calculus, zoology, physics, chemistry and several other challengings math/science courses in undergraduate college before you are eligible to apply for vet school.