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You are required to report ALL of your income, even barter income, regardless of the amount.

For each of your different businesses (if you have more than 1), you would file a separate Schedule C and Schedule SE. If you have more than $400 NET income from your schedule C, then it is Self-Employment taxable. Self-employment tax is merely both sides of FICA (aka social security/medicare); employee AND employer.

Any net income (or loss) from the Schedule C is then reported on the first page of the 1040. All of your income and loss (W-2, 1099-INT/Div, Stock Sales, Business/Schedule C, Rental/Schedule E, etc) are added together to determine your AGI. Then your exemptions and deductions (standard or itemized) are factored in to give you your taxable income.

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Q: Do you have to file taxes for a side job you made less than 600?
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How many years do you have to file your income taxes if you are getting a refund?

It doesn't matter if you receive an income tax refund or not. The fact is is you worked and had federal and state taxes taken out you would need to file your taxes every year. However, much depends on your filing status (single, married, etc) and how much you made that year on whether you would file. To be on the safe side if you had federal and state taken out of your checks you should file.

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This is my first tax season as an adult. However, I did pay taxes for the last couple of years. It depends on how much your child made, I think. I'd file them just in case. I would to be on the safe side just in case she made over $3500; she may qualify for a stimulus refund for the 2008 year..just like 2007

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What is Supply-side Economics?

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Top Reasons to File Taxes Online?

Filing taxes is never fun, but it doesn't have to be too bad if you know how to do them properly. For instance, you might be thinking about sitting down with a pencil and your traditional printed forms in order to do your taxes, but you should consider other methods. For instance, it is always a good idea to file taxes online; in fact, there are plenty of benefits to doing so. Listed below are just a few reasons to file taxes online, but there are actually other reasons as well, depending on your situation.File Taxes More AccuratelyA lot of errors can occur when you do your taxes the old fashioned way. For instance, you might misread your own handwriting and make a mistake with your math, or you could accidentally write the wrong thing down. Fortunately, these mistakes are less likely if you file taxes online using tax preparation software.Errors don't just occur on your side, either. The IRS has computers that read these tax returns, and there is more of a potential for error if you hand-write your taxes. Therefore, you should consider learning how to file taxes online using tax preparation software instead of counting on your handwriting; it can actually help prevent mistakes on both sides.Don't Miss DeductionsReading through complicated paperwork and instructions from the IRS can be a bore, and it can be easy to miss important things while you are reading all of the legal and tax-related jargon on each of these pages. If you file taxes online using tax preparation software, however, you don't have to worry about this occurring. These software programs are designed to help you get every deduction that you qualify for, which can help you save a lot of money. In fact, you could even end up with a refund if you have enough deductions.Get Your Refund FasterIf tax time is exciting for you because you typically receive a refund, you are probably wondering how you are going to wait until you get your refund. If you file taxes online, however, you won't have to wait nearly as long; you will get your taxes back much more quickly this way than if you sent in a hand-written form.

Why were colonists unhappy with king george?

because he gave unfair taxes and they had no representation in Parliament to be on their side and give their side of the story. And

What IRS forms are used to file for a taxpayer that dies?

From the income tax side, start with the normal return, check the bax saying final return. There may well be others relevan to estate and other taxes.

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Can i claim unemployment benefits and also make cash on the side without having to report it when i file taxes?

You are required to report all income on your tax returns, including unemployment benefits and "cash on the side." However, in 2009 the first $2400 of the benefits that you report may not be federally taxable.

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