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Q: Do you need a larger or smaller aperture opening?
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What is the aperture for on a microscope?

You need to be able to see the slide and the aperature is that opening in the body tube.

How does Aperture work?

The aperture is like the iris of the eye. When the aperture is very small, you will get a sharper focus and more depth of field-- near and far things in the scene will tend to be sharper. This is because the smaller circle is cutting down on the "confusion" caused by the countless overlapping circles of light being focused on the film or other light sensitive surface in the camera. The down side is that because the iris is smaller, less light is getting in, and you need a longer exposure to get a good image. When the aperture is larger, you can get a good image with a faster exposure, but sharpness and depth of field may suffer a little. The "circles of confusion" are larger, because the aperture is larger.

What does an apperture denote?

In general, an aperture is a hole through which light travels. In relation to photography, where the word is most commonly seen, this denotes the size of the hole through which light travels to hit the camera's sensor. Longer exposures need smaller apertures to ensure that the picture is not overexposed, and shorter exposures need a larger aperture to get enough light.

What is Aperture and how it affects picture taking?

Aperture refers to the mechanism that controls the amount of light that is allowed through the lens to reach the film or sensor. Fundamentally in brighter light you need less light passing through generally, whereas in low light situations you need more light to get to the film or sensor. So In brigher locations the aperture setting (called an "f-stop") will be higher, meaning a smaller opening, and in low light locations the f-stop willl be a lower number, meaning a larger opening. The other major parameter of the shot will be shutter speed, again affecting the amount of light allowed to reach the film or sensor. One of the most interesting things about aperture is that with a lower setting you get what's called greater "depth of field" -- you've seen pictures where the subject is in focus but everything in front or behind the subject looks fuzzy and out of focus. This is almost always a function of a lower f-stop because when the opening is larger more of the lens curvature is used, and it is the curvature which does this. If you used a high f-stop, then more of the picture is in focus, both in front of and behind the subject.

How do you know what initial aperture to set?

It depends on what your shooting, you can also use AUTO mode on your camera to have your camera choose what aperture it thinks its best. If you have a high shutter speed than you might want to choose a bigger aperture (f/2 around there). But if you want a larger depth of field you need to choose a lower aperture (around f/32) and a lower shutter speed.

When using a rope to make waves do you make a larger amplitude or smaller amplitude?

To create larger waves when using a rope, you will need to make a larger amplitude. By moving your hand or shaking the rope with larger excursions, you can generate bigger waves. Conversely, smaller amplitudes would result in smaller waves.

Why does a camera need a aperture to control the amount of light hitting the film?

The aperture setting refers to the iris of the camera lens. Like that of your eye, it opens and closes, regulating the amount of light entering the camera body and exposing the film. I always remembered it like this: "The smaller the number (aperture setting), the bigger the hole" and vice versa. If you are in a darker room you need to turn the aperture down to allow more light in so that your prints do not turn out under exposed. You can also adjust your speed setting in correlation with the aperture setting to create greater/less depth of field, meaning what is in or out of focus in front of or behind your subject.

Is 9 is smaller?

"smaller" is a binary operator: you need two numbers, 9 and another one, before you can decide whether 9 is smaller, the same or larger.

Why semi cone angle is set between10 degree and 15 degree?

It does not need to be. It can be smaller or larger.

Does a smaller basketball need less air pressure than a larger one?

no, pressure is the same , but it will need less volume of air

Is millimeter larger than centimeter?

No. It's smaller. If you want to make a centimeter, you need 10 millimeters.

Why do you work out larger muscle groups before the smaller muscle groups?

because you need the smaller muscle groups to do the larger groups exercises effectively, and if you didnt you would tire out the smaller groups before you did the bigger ones. If you do the large ones first, the strain of the force is spread over a larger area so you can do your small groups afterwards.