My best suggestion would be to check the entry requirements for pharmaceutical studies/chemistry at universities you're interested in.
Pharmacy maths
you need to get about 60 out of 100 in the maths paper to get a secure level 4 but level 5 you need 75 or 80 more to get a level 5 in maths. But in english for a level 4 you will need about 32 out of 50 and for a level 5 about 43. ( I got a level 5a for both. By..... IChoudhury
I think you need to excel in class
According to my careers adviser, it ain't needed but chemistry and biology is. :D
You need at least 78 out of the 100 marks available to get a level 5 in the KS2 maths SAT tests. Howver, this can change each year and you should look for the level threshold tables for the particular yeargroup for more detailed information if needed.
Pharmacy maths
To become a Care Assistant you need Core GCSE's (Maths, English and Science) and in some cases you must have an NVQ Level 1 in Care.
biology,maths,a europien language and i think chemistry
you need to get about 60 out of 100 in the maths paper to get a secure level 4 but level 5 you need 75 or 80 more to get a level 5 in maths. But in english for a level 4 you will need about 32 out of 50 and for a level 5 about 43. ( I got a level 5a for both. By..... IChoudhury
Level A maths is the hardest maths you can get. Level B maths is not so hard and level C maths is about the same as primary school maths.
What level gcse maths English language science and technical subject do you need to become an architect?"
I think you need to excel in class
Maths, physics and/or chemistry.
Architecture is a very popular course so you'll need good results in maths, physics and art. Although universities mainly look at A-level results, you'll need on average a grade B in English and maths at GCSE. My friend has been accepted by Glasgow university and she took, alonside maths, English and the sciences, art, history, french and business studies. At GCSE she got 6 A*s 3 A's and a B in Welsh. For A-level she took maths, physics and art.
It means that you need to work much harder.
The answer depends on why you want to study maths. A level maths is at a significantly higher level that Additional.