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Q: Do you need greater or less curvature to see near object?
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What is the relation of focal length of eye with its curvature?

The curvature of the eye's lens is related to its focal length: a more curved lens will have a shorter focal length, which allows the eye to focus on near objects. Conversely, a less curved lens will have a longer focal length, allowing the eye to focus on distant objects.

How do the lens of the eyes change when you view a near object?

The lens of the eye increases its curvature through a process called accommodation when viewing a near object. This helps to focus the light onto the retina, allowing for clear close-up vision.

How does the focal length of eye changes from a near object to far object?

When looking at a near object, the ciliary muscles in the eye contract to increase the lens' curvature, which decreases the focal length so the image can be focused on the retina. Conversely, when looking at a far object, the ciliary muscles relax, reducing the lens' curvature and increasing the focal length to focus the image on the retina.

What is cervical scoliosis?

a slight curvature of the spine near the neck

What change occurs when human eye view an object closer than 6 metres?

When a human eye views an object closer than 6 meters, the ciliary muscles contract to increase the curvature of the lens, enabling the eye to focus on the near object. This process is called accommodation, where the lens changes shape to ensure that the image of the near object is projected sharply onto the retina.

Is the amount of water and sunlight different in different places?

Yes because its curvature. Sunlight spreads over different areas causing it to be less effective near the poles.

Is the amount of sunlight and water different in different places?

Yes because its curvature. Sunlight spreads over different areas causing it to be less effective near the poles.

What does the lens in an eye do?

Light from a single point of a distant object and light from a single point of a near object being brought to a focus by changing the curvature of the lens. The lens is a transparent, biconvex structure in the eye that, along with the cornea, helps to refract light to be focused on the retina.

What process occurs when an object vibrating at or near a resonant frequency of a second object causes the second object to vibrate?

This is called resonance. When an object vibrates at or near the resonant frequency of a second object, it causes the second object to absorb energy and vibrate with greater amplitude. This phenomenon can lead to amplification of the vibrations and sometimes structural damage if not controlled.

Why will a baseball go farther then a softball when you throw it?

An object with less mass will have a greater speed when the same amount of energy is expended into it. Thus, a baseball will be going much faster than a softball at the time it is thrown. For the same angle of launch, an object will go further when it has a higher velocity (a fairly trivial and simple fact). Additionally, an object with greater surface area is slowed much quicker than one with less surface area. The baseball experiences less drag at the same speed than the softabll; while it is travelling faster and experiences greater drag as a result, it will also go further before being remotely near to the speed of the softball.

Why does venus have a greater gravity pull the earth does?

It hasn't. The acceleration of gravity on or near the surface of Venusis about 91% of what it is on or near the surface of the Earth.(That's less than what it is here.)

Is wind resistance greater near the ground or high in the air?

Wind resistance is typically greater near the ground due to surface friction and obstacles that disrupt airflow. As you move higher in the air, wind resistance decreases because the air is less turbulent and obstacles are less frequent, allowing for smoother flow.