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Unfortunately, you can't be much of any kind of engineer if you're challenged at math.

It's almost necessary to actually like it.

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Is engineering a good choice for you if you are good with math but not great at essays?

Yes, it is good choice. But also an engineer need some writing ability.

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There are several kinds of engineers. But mostly of them has to be good on physics and math, notably trigonometry, algebra, geometry. If he is a comp/info engineer, he has to be good on programming.

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In my opinion, it is not TRUE. Engineering courses have more Math subjects than English or Communication subjects. So if you're good in Math, you will be a good engineer someday.

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yes you are to work as a engineer No. You would not be forbidden to work as an engineer. There might be greater opportunities open to you if you were good at essay writing, but it is not essential.

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Accounting. Engineer. Anything with math really..