No not unless it is leaking. No leaks leave it alone. Replacing a roof is expensive. I replaced mine a few months ago and the cost came to 12,000.
The answer will depend on the height of the pyramid - or, equivalently, the pitch of the roof.
You need to know how much a cubic foot of snow weighs. It depends on the sort of snow. There is 1500 cu ft of snow on the roof.
You need more information to answer this question. A few of the items needed would be the height of the room as well as specifications on the framing (ie. 16" center verses 24" center). Does this addition need a roof? If so what type of roof do you want? Do you considers the decking on the roof part of the lumber? Are there windows? Those will need to be framed out. How many doorways. Etc... As you can see there are so many variables it would be impossible to say based on your question. The ceiling will be 8 foot, The centers will be 16" it does need a roof dont include the decking no windows
With the available information, you cannot. You also need the pitch or the height of the roof above the height of the enclosure.
How often you should replace a roof depends on the type of roof. According to, estimates based on different types of roofs are: Shake/Wood Shingles: 20-25 years Composition Shingless: 12-20 years Rock Roofs: 12-15 years Metal Roofs: 50-75 years
We need to tear out a spot on our roof. How difficult is it to remove and replace roof shingles on our own?
We need a grat to replace our roof it was bad then we had a hail storm.
In general, this is the recommended replacement schedule based mostly on the material used: Composition Shingles: 12-20 years. Asphalt Shingles: 15-30 years. Wood Shingles: 20-25 years.
This depends on the age of your roof. If your roof is relatively new you may just need to replace a few shingles. If however, your roof is near it's warranty limit you should consider replacing the whole roof.
My roof is protected by composition tile. I'll be up all night writing this composition! I am studying the composition of macadam.
As long as the roof you have is not leaking, it doesn't need replacing. If you want to replace it anyway, make sure you update your homeowners policy to show that. The older home doesn't mean older roof. You might ask the seller of the home when the roof was last put on. A roof should last about 10 years or so.
Most hardware stores can provide great information on what you will need to replace the roof on a home. The internet is also a valuable resource, often providing instructional videos on how to complete your project.
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Yep,, pretty much the home owner will be responsible for repairs since a 30 year old roof would not be covered. Conventional Composition Roofing materials are generally rated at a life span of 20 years at which time normal maintenance dictates the roof be replaced.
No, the green patina that forms on copper roofs is a natural oxidation process that actually helps protect the metal from further corrosion. As long as the roof is properly maintained and shows no signs of damage, there is typically no need to replace it just because it has turned green.
when selling your home, if your roof is in bad shape or in need of major repairs or a replacement, you may have a lot of trouble getting people to bid on your home.