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Q: Do you postpone things until the last minute?
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Can I get cheap plane tickets if I wait until the last minute?

Waiting until the last minute would be hard to get a good deal. But if you go online to travelocity you might be able to save money.

What is the moral of eleventh hour?

it means several things: one is a last ditch effort to try and get somethiing done, or to wait until the very last minute for something to happen, this is just an example.

What is the word for Putting things off till the last minute?


What does the idiom at the last minute mean?

It's not really an idiom because you can figure out what it means. If something is done at the last minute, you have waited until it is almost too late to do it.

How successful are stores that rely on last minute deals?

Many people leave their holiday shopping until the last minute, even though there have been great sales throughout the year. Stores who typically rely on these last minute shoppers can provide great last minute deals that are moderately successful. There will always be that portion of the market.

On the detective series Columbo the criminal is never revealed until the last minute?


What should you do for a last minute homework assignment?

Buckle down and get it done and over with. If you waited until the last minute you can't blame anybody but yourself for being stressed and missing sleep.

Where can you shop for inexpensive last minute presents?

If you wait until the last minute, many if not most stores will have items that they overstocked, seasonal items, and other items marked down and many of them will be inexpensive.

What procrastinating mean?

A procrastinator is someone who puts things off till the last minute.

What are some last minute gift ideas for babies?

A great idea for last minute baby shower gifts are things like diapers, wipes, essentials like that, or you can get things like soft toys,clothing and bath time stuff.

Is last minute hyphenated?

last minute

What are three things you should know about remembrance day?

in the two minutes of silence, first minute means the dead soldiers and the last minute means the the soldiers in war at this minute