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Smaller. It should run least to greatest.

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Q: Do you put the bigger number in front or the smaller number in front when your doing prime factorization?
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No. The moon is always the smaller body in such a system. The smaller object will always be the one doing the orbiting.

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It can be any of them. If your final speed is the fastest you have gone then it is smaller, if it is the slowest you have gone then it is bigger and if it is the average of what you have been doing then it is the same.

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because if the remainder is larger than that means you can still keep on dividing the number...but once it is smaller it means that you can't divide anymore

When doing prime factorization if there is a prime number does it come out even?

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Prime numbers don't have prime factorizations because they are already prime.

Why can't the remainder be bigger than the divisor?

Because if the remainder is bigger than the divisor, the quotient can be increased and that will reduce the remainder. You can keep doing as long as the remainder is larger than the divisor. You stop only when it becomes smaller.

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87.5 fractions- You cant make 7/8 any smaller but you can make it bigger by doing what ever you do to the top also to the bottom of the fraction so 7/8 turns into 14/16 by doubling 7 and then doing the same to the 8 and getting 16, then so on and so forth. This works on all fractions to make them bigger but in this case, 7/8, can not get any smaller.

Why isn't the earth bigger?

well why cant it be smaller the question in which you have inquired is far to open.Also if ur like a kid doing this for school you should totally put why isnt it smaller and attempt to draw a troll face just saying XD