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Q: Do you say show the information in a venn diagram or on a venn diagram?
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John venn and his contributions to solving problems in math?

I think it would be pretty safe to say he invented the Venn Diagram

What phrase completes a Venn diagram on radio and lamp?

While wondering exactly what you mean, a venn diagram can show similarities and differences between two different things. For example, on the lamp side you might say "emits light," on the radio side you might say "emits sound," and in the middle (where both the circles intersect--this is where attributes both objects have in common go) you might say "use electricity."

What does it mean to say two things are mutually exclusive?

A term used in Data Management courses to be mutually exclusive means when two things have nothing in common. In a Venn Diagram this looks like two circles side by side instead of the regular two over lapping circles.

What information goes in the outer circles of a Venn diagram-?

In a mathematical Venn Diagram, each complete circle represents one thing, or the probability of doing such a thing (say for example, taking science classes or math classes). The area where both circles intersect is the probability of doing both (i.e. taking both math and science). What remains of the circles should be the probability of doing one activity, but not the other.For a comparison/contrast diagram, the principal is much the same, only not using numbers: The center is reserved for qualities and attributes the two items (represented by the circles) have in common. The outer parts of the circles should be reserved for the differences between the things you are comparing; for example, in one comparing addition and subtraction, one statement in addition would be "answer is called sum" and in subtraction could be"answer is called difference".So to simplify:outer portions = differencesintersection = similarities

What are the difficulties children have with venn diagrams?

Being a teacher i would say most of the children experience difficuity in finding intersection when there be more then 2 sets particularly when the events are non-mutually exclusive.

Related questions

John venn and his contributions to solving problems in math?

I think it would be pretty safe to say he invented the Venn Diagram

What phrase completes a Venn diagram on radio and lamp?

While wondering exactly what you mean, a venn diagram can show similarities and differences between two different things. For example, on the lamp side you might say "emits light," on the radio side you might say "emits sound," and in the middle (where both the circles intersect--this is where attributes both objects have in common go) you might say "use electricity."

What it is a union in math?

I'm not sure how to explain it in words, so I'll give you two examples.1. Let's say we have a graph with the domain {x: -57}This means that in the graph, x has every value between -5 and 0 (exclusive), and every value over 7. So in the graph, x can not be -6, -5, 1, 2, 3, and etc.2. Another example of this is in a Venn DiagramThe union of a Venn Diagram is the addition of the 2 circles of the Venn Diagram, and subtracting their intersection.

How do you say farewell-dear-friend in Norwegian?

"Farvel, kjære venn"

How do you say good friend in Norwegian?

god venn = good friend

If you are not sure what to say about a character and you need to collect information you may consider making a .?

circle diagram

If you are not sure what to say about a character and you need to collect information you may consider making a?

circle diagram

What do you mean when you say God is all present?

God's realm includes the physical universe. Were it expressed in Venn Diagram--God's realm would be a big circle; the physical universe would be a smaller circle, entirely within the big circle.

How do you say I miss you my friend in norwegian?

Jeg savner deg, vennen min. ;.(

How do you show the multiples of 7 and multiples of 2 in venn diagram?

That's an infinite set if you don't specify a range. Let's say 1 to 50. Put the odd multiples of 7 (7, 21, 35, 49) in the left circle. Put the even multiples of 7 (14, 28, 42) in the space where the circles intersect. Put the rest of the even numbers in that range in the right circle.

What does it mean to say two things are mutually exclusive?

A term used in Data Management courses to be mutually exclusive means when two things have nothing in common. In a Venn Diagram this looks like two circles side by side instead of the regular two over lapping circles.

How do you show that a diagram of sodium is in period 3?

A diagram of sodium showing its electron configuration would reveal that it has three energy levels, indicating that it is in period 3 of the periodic table.