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Not if you're doing a math problem.

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Q: Do you spell out numbers zero through ten and use figures for numbers above ten?
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How doyou spell 1000 in words?

I believe that the rule is you spell out numbers one through nine, and then use numbers for 10 and above.

How do you spell numbers 1-8?

one through eight

Which is correct-- to spell out a year or just use numerals?

I believe the first rule is to be consistent. However, there was also a rule to write out numbers zero to nine, then use numbers for 10 or above.

How many of the words for the numbers 1 through 10 have 3 letters?

When you spell out the words for numbers 1-10 four of the numbers have three letters. (one two six ten)

How to spell hello in numbers?

spell HELLO, you will reverse the numbers so that they read 0.7734.

How do you spell numbers one through five in German?

German counting for one through to five:eins - onezwei - twodrei - threevier - fourfünf - five

How do you spell the numbers 1 to 321406795058714?

I spell them correctly.

Do you spell out numbers?

when writing numbers in any other subject than math, you should spell them out.

How do you spell britney using numbers?

You can't. There is a minimal amout of words (and names) that you can use numbers to spell.

How do you spell asassin?

The correct spelling is assassin (a killer, especially of political figures).

How do you spell big numbers?

Large numbers are typically spelled with commas separating groups of three digits. For example, 1,000,000. If you need to spell out a specific number in words, you can write it out in full, such as one million.

How do you unscramble the letters barhrbu?

Generally, the easiest way to solve an anagram is to put it through an anagram program. The letters above spell 'rhubarb'.