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The answer depends on the coordinates of the point that you wish to get to. If it is (3, -4), then NO, but if it is (3, 4) then YES.

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Q: Do you travel along on an axis graph and then up?
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Where is x axis and y axis on a graph?

The y axis is going up on the graph and the x axis is going sideways on the graph

Where do you put the independent and dependent variables on a graph?

The independent variable is along the bottom or horizontal or x axis. The dependent variable is up the left hand side or vertical or y axis

What are the axis of a bar graph called?

Y axis going up; and X axis going across.

What do a x and y axis make up?

a graph

What is an y axis?

The Y axis on graph is the line that goes UP and Down vertially

What is a line which goes up and down on a graph?

it is the y axis or part of the y axis

Where can you found the Y axis in a graph?

the y axis or the one that runs up and down

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A vertical line is a line that runs up and down. On a graph, it is either the y axis or parallel to the y axis. It is also perpendicular to the x axis.

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X-axis shows increment when is goes up and y-axis show an increment when it goes further to the right side of the graph

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Once a graph has been created, y would be the axis which is shown up and down on the graph. The x axis is shown from left to right on the graph. Both are reference lines on a graph.

Where is the vertical axis on a bar graph?

going up, i think.

What are the five things that a perfect graph has?

Title & Date, Axis's Labeled, All space used up that is given to draw the graph, units (lablel the axis) and always to the best graph for your subject ;)