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Q: Do you use 4.333 x to calculate weeks in a month?
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A birthday calculator is a tool that you can use to calculate many different way of looking at one's birthday. You can type in someone's birthday, and it will tell you how old they are in month, weeks, days, etc.

How many months is a week?

One week is seven days. Depending on which month you use, if one month is 30 days, then one week would be 7/30 of a month.

Am i supposed to hear a hearbeat this soon it has been a month?

Only with the use of an ultrasound at 6 weeks pregnancy.

Where would you use a line graph?

to calculate how much or how less the details that are written in each year or month

Which office software lets me calculate my budget for the month?

You can use Microsoft office to construct and track a budget.

How much fuel does a truck use per month?

Mine doesn't use much, but then, I don't drive it much. To calculate the amount of fuel used in a month, first determine the miles driven per month then divide by the miles per gallon of the vehicle.

Do all cultures use the same names for days?

No. The names of the days of the weeks and the names of month are different in different languages.

How many weeks are 4 months?

"4 week months" is a term used to simplify the number of days in a month. As the quote suggests it implys that there are 4 weeks in a month or (4*7) 28 days. This is done where it is simpler to use weeks as a period of time due to the number of days in a month changing each time.

Do you take off the horses shoes per month?

Depending on how much you use your horse, you should reshod it every 6 weeks.

Can you use a baby nail clippers on your 3 month old puppy to trim her nails?

Yes, When I first bought my puppy she was 6 weeks old and they said I was aloud to so I'm pretty positive that you can use it on your three month old puppy! :)

How many months pregnant are you at sixteen weeks?

you are 3.72 months. pregnant. Let me explain... the average person would multiply 16 by 4...thinking that there is perfect 4 weeks in every single month. If you think that way then every single month would be 28 days long. (7x4=28..'which is 7 days in a week, and people use 4 weeks in a month') So anyways, there is actually 4.3 weeks in a month. So, you would take how ever many weeks you are and divide by 4.3..(this is where 9 month pregnancies come from... 40 weeks divided by 4.3 = 9.3 months. Everyone thinks that pregnancies are supposed to be 10months these days...and that's NOT the case. It's always been '9' months... So're 3.7 months along. so you're 3 months 21 days..(ish)... lol good luck.

How long does marijuana remain in the body's fat cells after its use?

Marijuana takes about 2 to 6 weeks (or a month, on average) to completely leave your system.