There are 24 hours in a full day, so 15 hours is less than a day- 15/24 or 5/8 of a day, in fact- somewhat more than half a day.
More than seven.
Seeing that 1 day is the same as 24 hours, 5 days must certainly be more than 7 hours.
51% people watch ovr 4hrs of tv per day
There is no reason why they SHOULD watch any!
more than 5 hours per day for those 75 and older to just over 2 hours per day for those ages 35 to 44.
there is no more hours than that in a day
No because in a day there are 24 hours so 24 hours is more than 1 hours!
no you must be atleast 17 or 18
Slightly more than 153 hours
Children should not watch television more than two hours per day. More television time can lead to future health and psychological problems.
Do not try to drive more than__________hours in any one day.
There are 24 hours in a full day, so 15 hours is less than a day- 15/24 or 5/8 of a day, in fact- somewhat more than half a day.
A day on Pluto lasts about 153 Earth hours, or more than six Earth days.