

Best Answer

One fourth is more commonly referred to as a quarter.

In mathematics is can be represented numerically as 1/4.

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Q: Do you write out one fourth in a sentence?
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How do you write 0.25 in words?

Twenty-five hundredths. or one quarter or one fourth

How do write one and one fourth as a decimal?

It is: 1.25*100 = 125%

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3 1/4

What is a sentence for fourth?

Example sentence - He lived in the fourth house from the corner.

How do you get a sentence for Florida?

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How can you use fourth in a sentence?

Fourth means the number four in a series. Here are some sentences.He was fourth in line.The fourth float in the parade was the one our group made.I came in fourth in the race.

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1/4 as a percentage is 25%

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1/24, 0.04166666 or 4.1666%

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To be one