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Q: Does -1 have a multiplicative inverse?
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How do you get multiplicative inverse of 1 plus i?

multiplicative inverse of 1 plus i is 1 minus i

What is an multiplicative inverse of -.50?

The multiplicative inverse is 1/(-0.50) = -2

Is the multiplicative inverse of -54 ... 54?

No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.

What is the Multiplicative Inversre property?

The multiplicative inverse property is a property such that: a(1/a) = 1 where a is nonzero value. If a is a nonzero value, then the multiplicative inverse of a is 1/a.

Multiplicative inverse of a negative number?

The multiplicative inverse is the negative of the reciprocal of the positive value. Thus the multiplicative inverse of -7 is -1/7.

Related questions

What is the multiplicative of -1?

Assuming the question is about the multiplicative inverse, the answer is, -1. It is its own multiplicative inverse.

What is the multiplcative inverse of negative 3?

The reciprocal (multiplicative inverse) of -3 is -1/3.The reciprocal (multiplicative inverse) of -3 is -1/3.The reciprocal (multiplicative inverse) of -3 is -1/3.The reciprocal (multiplicative inverse) of -3 is -1/3.

What is an example of multiplicative inverse?

A multiplicative inverse is the same as a reciprocal. The multiplicative inverse of x is 1/x. So, the multiplicative inverse of 4 is 1/4; or 7 is 1/7 and of 0.2 is 1/0.2 = 5.

How do you get multiplicative inverse of 1 plus i?

multiplicative inverse of 1 plus i is 1 minus i

What is the multiplicative inverse of -1?

The multiplicative inverse of -1 (-1/1) is 1/-1 or -1.

What is the multiplicative inverse of 4 i?

The multiplicative inverse of 4i is -(1/4)*i.

What is the multiplicative inverse of −100?

the multiplicative inverse of -100 is 1/-100

What is an multiplicative inverse of -.50?

The multiplicative inverse is 1/(-0.50) = -2

Is the multiplicative inverse of -54 ... 54?

No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.

What is zero product property?

Multiplicative Inverse of a NumberReciprocal The reciprocal of x is . In other words, a reciprocal is a fraction flipped upside down. Multiplicative inverse means the same thing as reciprocal. For example, the multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) of 12 is and the multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) of is . Note: The product of a number and its multiplicative inverse is 1. Observe that ·= 1. Multiplicative Inverse of a NumberReciprocal The reciprocal of x is . In other words, a reciprocal is a fraction flipped upside down. Multiplicative inverse means the same thing as reciprocal. For example, the multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) of 12 is and the multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) of is . Note: The product of a number and its multiplicative inverse is 1. Observe that ·= 1.

What is the multiplicative inverse of 625?

The multiplicative inverse of 625 is 1/625 or 0.0016

What is the multiplicative inverse of negative 9?

-9; the multiplicative inverse: -1/9