11 with remainder 48.
177/48 = 59/16 = 3 and remainder 11 which can be written as 3 and 11/16 and is equal to 3.6875 in decimal
48 x 11 = 528
11/48 cannot be simplified further.
48/66 = 8/11
11 with remainder 48.
177/48 = 59/16 = 3 and remainder 11 which can be written as 3 and 11/16 and is equal to 3.6875 in decimal
48 x 11 = 528
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - 2002 Episode 11-48 11-48 was released on: USA: 7 November 2012
11/48 cannot be simplified further.
The GCF of 11 and 48 is 1.
0.11 * 48 = 5.28
48/66 = 8/11
22/48 = 11/24
11 + (48/6 x 4) = 11 + 32 = 43
mixed number: 48/26: 26 can't go into 48 evenly so 1 and 22/26 or 1 and 11/13 reduced improper fraction: 48/26 = 24/13
48 + 480 = 528