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Yes. For example, if a email account can only be 12 characters long, spaces would count as a character.

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Q: Does 140 characters include spaces
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Related questions

Does 140 characters include your Twitter username?

No it doesn't include your username. However, any usernames that you mention in your tweet are included in the 140 character limit.

What does it mean to write something with a minimum 40 characters and maximum of 140 characters?

characters are like letters, punctuation marks, spaces, numbers etc. in chinese it could also mean each separate character but you know ;) But don't confuse characters with words. Something with 40-140 characters is really little!

Does twitter 140 character limit include punctuation?

No, Twitter's 140-character limit does not include punctuation. Punctuation marks such as periods, commas, and exclamation points are not counted as characters in a tweet.

What does this ΒΆ icon button on the formatting toolbar represent?

It can show or hide the special characters in a document. These include spaces, tabs, returns, hidden text, non-breaking spaces and others.

C program to count number of word character line and space from gien text?

#include /*Program that counts characters, lines and spaces*/ /*Type Ctrl+Z on Windows to end, Ctrl+D on Linux*/ int main() { int c = 0; int characters = 0; int lines = 0; int spaces= 0; while((c = getchar()) != EOF) { characters++; if(c == '\n') lines++; if(c == ' ') spaces++; } printf("Characters: %d\nLines: %d\nSpaces: %d\n", characters, lines, spaces); return 0; }

What is the maximum length of a tweet?

There IS a limit to tweeting. If you tweet more than 1000 tweets per day, you go to twitter jail for a day (basically means that you can't tweet anymore). If you tweet more than 100 per hour, you go to twitter jail for an hour. You also can't write more than 250 DMs per day.

Can WPA Passwords for wireless internet have spaces?

WPA passwords are 8-63 characters including spaces and other characters. e.i. !@#$%^&*()_+-=,.<>?:";'{}[]124567890`~\|

How are the characters in C grouped?

letters, digits, special characters and white spaces

What is the difference between words and characters?

I've always wanted to know this and I finally realized the answer. Characters include all the symbols, numbers and letters. Including spaces is up to you. Example: Symbols~, . / < > ? :" ;'{} [] !@#$%^&*()_+- Numbers 0123456789 Letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Count each and every symbol, number and letter. Hey dude! with spaces=9 characters without=8 characters Words, I think you know what it is right? Hey dude! words= 2

How many characters are allowable in a question on WikiAnswers?

Apparently, 200 characters, including spaces.

When determining wpm in typing do spaces count as characters?

Yes, they do

Why is literature not lost after 140 characters?

William Shakespeare once said that a story is only worth reading if it has less than 140 characters. This has often been a topic of debate as it can be argued whether a story has a more profound effect on it's readers if it has more or less than 140 characters. I hope I cleared that up for you.