They're not "equal" but they're pretty close.
We get 31.6875 years, or 31years plus 251days 3hours 2minutes 45seconds.
If we add up exactly 32 years, we get 1,009,860,784 seconds.
As you can clearly see, 1 billion seconds is within 0.9765% of 32 years, so it's really pretty close.
1 billion seconds is 32 years
Check your math and your billion divided by 31,536000 = 31.7 years, not 31 thousand years. It is actually 31 years, 259 days, 1 hour, 46 minutes and 40 seconds 1 Billion seconds equal 1 billion divided by the number of seconds in a year (31,536,000) equals 31,709.79 years. So just about 32 thousand years
60*60*24=86400*365*10=315,360,000 THEN DIVIDE THAT BY A BILLION!! ;) Which would APPROX. equal 3.17 Round it off and then you'll get 32 yrs. old!!
5 years 21 days 4 hours 32 minutes and 17 seconds = 159,615,367.00146776438 seconds.
1,000,000,000 in 32 years x 60 = 1902 years in 60,000,000,000 seconds
1 billion seconds is 32 years
Check your math and your billion divided by 31,536000 = 31.7 years, not 31 thousand years. It is actually 31 years, 259 days, 1 hour, 46 minutes and 40 seconds 1 Billion seconds equal 1 billion divided by the number of seconds in a year (31,536,000) equals 31,709.79 years. So just about 32 thousand years
For the short scale billion (1 x 109), one billion seconds is more than 31 years (31.68 years, or 31 years, 251 days).1,000,000,000 divided by 31,557,600 seconds per year (calculator) = 31.6881 years1,000,000,000 divided by 31,556,926 seconds per year (SI) = 31.6887 years
About 1,009,843,200 seconds in 32 years.
About 31.7 years old (almost 32) 1,000,000,000 seconds = 16666666.6 minutes = 277777.7 hours = 11574.07 days For Julian years of 365.25 days, 11574.07 days = 31.688 years
277,777.778 hours are in a billion seconds 27,777,777.8 hours in 100 billion seconds 277,777,778 hours in 1 trillion seconds 24 x 365 = 8760 hours in a year 277,777,778 / 8760 = 31709.792 years
1,009,832,163 seconds
About 1,009,821,632,000 seconds.
There are 1035072000 seconds in 32 years and 300 days, not counting leap years. Assuming you start on a leap year there is 1288742400 seconds.
60*60*24=86400*365*10=315,360,000 THEN DIVIDE THAT BY A BILLION!! ;) Which would APPROX. equal 3.17 Round it off and then you'll get 32 yrs. old!!
5 years 21 days 4 hours 32 minutes and 17 seconds = 159,615,367.00146776438 seconds.