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You can not equate a measurement of volume (the ml) with a measurement of length (the cm).

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Q: Does 1mL equal 1 cm to the third power?
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What is 25 cm to the third power equal in millimeters?

25 cm to the third power equals 156,250mm

What does cm to the minus third power mean?

it is equivalent to 1/cm^3, which is usually common in reading liquid volume. 1ml = 1/cm^3.

When changing cm to the third power to ml what is the third power used for?

in cm, the third power means that its is in 3 demensions. so, something that is 4cm to the third power would be the same size as four blocks of wood, where each block is 1cm long, 1cm thick, and 1cm tall (the three demensions of volume). when converting cm cubed(to the third power=cubed) to ml, however, the formula would simply be 1cm cubed=1ml

How many cm cubed is equal to 15ml?

15. 1cm cubed = 1ml.

What is measured in cubic cm or ml?

Both are measures of volume and 1cc is equal to 1mL

What is the relationship between 1cm 1ml?

10 mm = 1 cm so 1 cm^3 would be equal to (10)^3 mm, so 1000 mm.

What is 1ml equals to a cm?

You can not equate a measurement of volume (the ml) with a measurement of length (the cm).

How is cm3 equal to 1Ml?

1 cm^3 is equal to 1 milliliter (mL) because they both represent the same volume of space. The conversion is based on the fact that 1 centimeter cubed (cm^3) is equivalent to 1 milliliter (mL) in the metric system.

How many milliliters is 6 cc?

Because 1mL is equal to 1cc (cm^3), there are 6mL in 6cc.

How many liters are in 6421 cm to the third power?

6421 cubic cm = 6.421 litres.

A triangle has two equal sides each measuring 36cm its perimeter is 1 meter. find the length of the third side?

100 - (2 x 36) = 28 cm

How does a milliliter compare to a cubic centimeter?

A milliliter (mL) is equivalent to a cubic centimeter (cm³) in volume. Both units represent the same volume of liquid, with 1 mL being equal to 1 cm³.