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Q: Does 46 satisfy the linear equation xy?
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Are A linear equation determines a line in the xy-plane?

Yes, the world "linear" and "line" have the same root.

Is this a linear equation - xy equals 24?

no. its an exponential with a vertical zero axis

If you are given the graph of a line in an xy-plane and its corresponding equation you can be sure that the coordinates of every point on that line will satisfy the equation?

Yes, I'm confident of that.

How would you know if the equation is liner by just looking at the equation?

No powers also, no x times y i.e. xy = 1 is not linear

Is 6xy plus 3x equals 4 a linear equation?

No. In the variable x, alone, it is linear. In the variable y, alone, it is linear. But taken together, in x and y, you have a term which contains xy - that is, a term in which the powers of the unknowns add to 2. So the equation is not linear.

Is xy equals 6 a linear equation?

Yes. You can tell by the fact that both variables are raised to the first power.

Is xy10 linear?

No, because in a linear equation, the variables cannotmultiply or divide each other. For example, xy won't work either x/y will work too.

What is a system of linear equations?

A system of linear equations determines a line on the xy-plane. The solution to a linear set must satisfy all equations. The solution set is the intersection of x and y, and is either a line, a single point, or the empty set.

Does a linear equation determine a line in the xy-plane?

It can, but it can also determine a line in multi-dimensional (eg 3-d) space.

Is xy equals 1 a linear equation?

No because when you place x in terms of y, you get y = 1/x ( by dividing both the sides by x). This is not linear because the power of x is (-1) and for a linear relationship, you need the power of x to be (1).

Do linear equations form a line?

Yes, the graph of a linear equation can be a line. There are special cases, sometimes trivial ones like y=y or x=x which are linear equations, but the graph is the entire xy plane. The point being, linear equations most often from a line, but there are cases where they do not.

What abbreviations denotes a male human?

46, XY