488/4 = 122
To calculate how many times 4 goes into 122, you would perform a division operation. 122 divided by 4 equals 30 with a remainder of 2. Therefore, 4 goes into 122 exactly 30 times, with a remainder of 2.
1, 2, 4, 61, 122 and 244.
122.5 times or 122 with a remainder of 4.
between 3 and 4 3 x 32 = 96 4 x 32 = 128 122/32 = 61/16 = 3.8125
4 times, with 18 left over.
1 bushel = 4 pecks so 122 bushels = 4*122 = 488 pecks. Simple!
Not in whole numbers. 122 divided by 4 = 30 1/2
122 centimeters is 4 feet and 0.03 inches.