The formula for this conversion is as follows: MPH x 1.609344 = KPH To find the MPH when you know the KPH use the following formula: divide KPH by 1.609344
1 mph = 1.609344 kphSo just multiply your speed in mph by 1.6 (or you can use more decimal places to get a more accurate answer).so for example, 55 mph x 1.6 = 88 kph
Use this formula:m/sec x 3.6 = kph
Multiply mph by 1.609 to get km/h.For a quick mental calculation, multiply mph by one and a half. Using this method, 60 mph -> 90 km/h (where the exact conversion would be 96.56 km/h).If you have your speed in km/h and want mph, divideinstead of multiplying.You can also type the conversion directly into some search engines like Google. For example "80 mph to km/h".
Use this formula:meters per second x 2.237 = mph 1.62 x 2.237 = about 3.6 mph
1 mph= 1.609344 kph 1.609344 is the conversion factor to use when converting mph to kph. 1900mph x 1.609344(kph conv. factor)= 3057.7536 kph.
To convert kilometers per hour (kph) to miles per hour (mph), you can use the formula: 1 kph = 0.621371 mph. So, to convert kph to mph, you simply multiply the speed in kph by 0.621371.
The formula for this conversion is as follows: MPH x 1.609344 = KPH To find the MPH when you know the KPH use the following formula: divide KPH by 1.609344 [My computer doesn't seem to have a division symbol on it.]
England uses MPH.
Divide kph by 1.609 to get mph.(Same as you would do with kilometers to get miles.)Of course, you may find it easier to mentally multiplythe kph by 0.6214, which is the same operation, and for a ballpark figure you can use 0.62 for most speeds. Example : 80 kph is about 50 mph.
The formula for this conversion is as follows: MPH x 1.609344 = KPH To find the MPH when you know the KPH use the following formula: divide KPH by 1.609344
Most likely kph, correct me if I'm wrong but, most of the world except USA and Great Britain uses kph.
To convert 75 kilometers per hour (kph) to miles per hour (mph), you can use the conversion factor 1 kph = 0.621371 mph. Therefore, the equation would be 75 kph * 0.621371 = 46.6 mph.
When Japanese cars are imported into the UK the speedometer is in kilometers per hour. So I would think KPH is the standard for Japan.
To convert speed from kilometers per hour (kph) to miles per hour (mph) you can use the following formula: mph = kph / 1.60934. Simply divide the speed in kilometers per hour by 1.60934 to get the equivalent speed in miles per hour.
167.371776 Km/h Ill tell you a cool trick go to and type "104 mph to kph" and it will tell you so you can use it again.
4 mph = 6.4 kph To arrive at the answer use this formula4 mi* 1.609344 km 1 mi = 6.437376 km