Eight inches rounded to the nearest half inch is still eight inches.
The value of the number does not change. It is still 88.74
An octagon is an eight-sided two-dimensional object. If each of the eight sides to an octagon were concave, it would still be an octagon. So, yes, it could.
There is no special name. And some quadrilaterals with special characteristics (eg a trapezium) could still have all sides of different lengths.
It still has 8 sides the same as a regular octagon.
It is still going on right now, but is subject to cancellation at any time without notice.
No the Barnes will still be open in October 2010. It will be open in Merion through June 2011.
Luther Barnes
Not unless he has special needs and cannot do it alone. Otherwise, NO! Whether you are mother or father, the answer is no.
It's good, but still speak weird.
yes, approximately thirty people in the U.S. still use them.
Yes, at Barnes and Noble Booksellers.
thirty four minutes and eleven seconds. be careful, you have to be extremely precise with the timings, because if you leave it over thirty four minutes and twenty three seconds, the cocoa butter becomes toxic. Any less than thirty four minutes and four seconds and the E numbers are still active. Hope this helps!
Yes, Barnes and Noble is still the biggest book store in Massachusetts. You can see the locations at http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=Barnes+and+Noble+still+the+biggest+book+store+in+Massachusetts&fb=1&gl=us&hq=Barnes+and+Noble+still+the+biggest+book+store&hnear=Massachusetts&view=text&ei=N2aeS7vaOIH-8AbH2v26Cg&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=more-results&resnum=1&ved=0CA4QtQMwAA
You can purchase the book 'In the Still of Night' from stores such as Barnes & Noble. Alternatively, this book can be purchased from retailers such as Amazon.